Alright so great weekend and great chest day! Tried something different this morning and it felt amazing on my chest. Plate loaded lateral chest press.
Hammer incline chest press: 90x15 180x12 190x10 200x8
Dumbbell bench(per side): 60x8 60x8
Hammer chest press: 90x12 100x12 145x10
Machine fly: 100x20 115x20 130x12 130x12
Incline fly: 25x12 30x10 30x10
Tricep push down: 100x25 100x20 100x15
Still not crazy about dumbbell bench just feels like a shoulder injury waiting to happen so will permanently give up on those. The hammer lateral chest press felt amazing on chest and no strain on shoulders. This will be a staple moving forward.
Thoughts on adding 50mg of anadrol daily for last 4 weeks of cycle? Think this would be nice for some added strength gains.