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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

Great shoulder day.

Hammer shoulder press: 45x20 70x12 80x10 90x6(wtf?) 90x8
Hammer shoulder shrug: 180x15 200x15 220x15 220x15
Reverse fly: 85x15 100x15 100x11 100x10
Dumbbell lateral raise(very slow reps): 4 sets 15 reps at 15 pounds
Facepull: 100x15 110x15 120x15 130x15 140x12

4th set of shoulder press was suppose to be 8-10 reps but failed at 6 not sure why. So I kept the weight the same and hit 8 reps for the last set. I definitely should have gotten 10 on that 4th set.

Went to gym at noon so it was hot and I was dripping sweat when I did my 30 minutes cardio at end. I will say the rice being added back into my diet has given me a big boost of energy. Hopefully my lifts will start increasing in weight again next week. Also got some more test on the way from domestic supply for trt.
@BrightFuture shoulder press is PUMPING i see it bro
90x6? dont overdo so no injury
Great shoulder day.

Hammer shoulder press: 45x20 70x12 80x10 90x6(wtf?) 90x8
Hammer shoulder shrug: 180x15 200x15 220x15 220x15
Reverse fly: 85x15 100x15 100x11 100x10
Dumbbell lateral raise(very slow reps): 4 sets 15 reps at 15 pounds
Facepull: 100x15 110x15 120x15 130x15 140x12

4th set of shoulder press was suppose to be 8-10 reps but failed at 6 not sure why. So I kept the weight the same and hit 8 reps for the last set. I definitely should have gotten 10 on that 4th set.

Went to gym at noon so it was hot and I was dripping sweat when I did my 30 minutes cardio at end. I will say the rice being added back into my diet has given me a big boost of energy. Hopefully my lifts will start increasing in weight again next week. Also got some more test on the way from domestic supply for trt.
Had the same issue myself 2x this week
it's okay to fail on reps your body sometimes is not strong
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