Alright so had a good leg day. It was hot though. Starting Monday I will start going in the morning again to avoid the warmth and the crowd.
Hammer leg press: 234x12 324x12 414x12
Romanian deadlift: 135x12 135x12 135x12
Calf raise: 195x20 195x20 195x16
Leg extension: 140x12 160x12 160x8
Seated leg curl: 135x12 135x12 135x12
Good fun day. This also concludes my first cycle. Will post up pictures later today or tomorrow. Also got a touchdown from yesterday for the test for trt.
I have learned a lot and had plenty of missteps. In the beginning I feel that I was likely pushing myself way too hard. This eventually led to my body feeling kinda beat up. So the last 6 weeks of cycle wasn’t the best but I am 100% now. Also the cutting of carbs was a mistake for me. Don’t think my body can handle that. So this week I added the rice back into my meals and I got so much energy again. I am feeling great and am super excited for next time around. I do feel a bit bloated at the moment but I think that’s from reintroducing the rice but my body will adjust.
I definitely want to thank you all for the guidance and support. Including the guidance to slow down even though I ignored it lmao. Learned my lesson! This is definitely a long game and I am pumped for what’s next.
Next cycle will likely be something like 500mg test, 400mg eq and winstrol at 50mg/day. Of course got time to sort that out or change it accordingly.