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Approved Log My Testosterone Tbol Cycle Log

Some days we just feel weak
not every workout is going to be your best that's okay
I wonder why you're sweating so much as your gym really hot
Yeah this gym does get pretty warm which is why I usually go early in the morning. I do sweat more than most and I don’t tolerate heat very well, especially if it’s humid. I will say since starting this cycle my tolerance for heat has gotten dramatically better and I feel like I generally sweat less.

I have just noticed so many benefits since I started testosterone cycle. It’s crazy to me which is why I am going the self trt route now.
your body could be working through a little bit of a cold or flu
No cold or flu. I feel great other than my sinuses. That is an on going issue for me though.
Good arm day!

Tricep dip: 90x20 180x15 180x15 180x15 180x15
Tricep pushdown: 100x20 100x20 100x15 100x15 100x15
Tricep overhead extension: 70x10 70x12 70x12 70x10
Bicep curl: 80x15 80x15 80x10 70x12 70x12
Dumbbell hammer curl: 30x12 30x12 30x13
Preacher curl: 60x10 60x10 60x10
Wrist curl: 50x12 50x12 50x12

Good and fun workout. Feeling great! Legs tomorrow!
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