hey girl...
i'm concerned about your diet and exercise regime and also the winstrol in terms of your goals.
you should be eating really clean, enough protein and cut back on carbs a little and only eat good ones. (plenty of diet posts on here, including phem's - good one) And i don't think you are getting enough calories.
As for you wrokout routine, you need to train all bodyparts hard, lift as heavy as you can in reps of 6 - 12. You also need to do cardio - preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. You may want to try eca.
I am also thinking that winstrol may not be right for you now. It will give you sides and you must be very careful to watch for them. I honesty don't think you should be on any AS right now untl you start training porperly and eating clean.
Please don't take this as a flame, I am only concerned for you genuinely. I know you are training and that is fantastic, and I know you are eating well, great also. But I think you can still improve on those two areas before trying any AS. It is not a magic pill (said so often) Ok i'll stop now or it will sound like a flame.
If you need any help at all on any of these subjects, just post and you can check out these links:
Winstrol is commonly used in cutting cycles with Primobolan, Deca, Equipoise, or even with a testosterone. But, it can be stacked with almost anything. Many users prefer to stack Winstrol with Deca to help control joint discomfort, which is a common side effect of Winstrol.
Winstrol is a common name for the drug stanazolol. Stanazolol is a 17-aa steroid, designed for oral administration but also available in injectable form. Winstrol is classified as an anabolic, exhibiting low androgenic side effects. Its' anabolic properties however are not dramatic and is often used in combination with other drugs, most commonly during cutting cycles when water and fat retention are a concern. Any of the injectible water based winstrol products can be administered orally.
Common dosage is 25mg all the way up to 100mg per day, although most use between 25mg and 50mg. When taken orally, most users will try to spread the dose out, taking a smaller amount 2-3 times throughout the day. If injected, it would be most effective injected daily (to keep a steady supply in the blood stream. Although most users inject every other day because of the inconvenience of daily injections.
In the U.S., the Zambon brand name from Spain was until recently, the most popular. It is supplied in 2mg tabs and 50mg water-based injectable ampules. Winstrol can be very expensive to use. 30ml of injectable Winstrol-V (U.S. Veterinary product) is usually more cost effective but legitimate bottles are now rarely seen due to strict gov't control. There are many forms of counterfeit Winstrol, so one should be careful when purchasing this product. The Zambon tabs are pink and come 20 to a strip. The Zambon injectable ampules and American Winstrol-V have been duplicated with good accuracy. One should make sure the water and steroid separate when the vial is left out on a table for some time, unless you are using a micronized version such as Anabolic ST or some of the other new products.
Anabolic ST (which is very good, I might add. I have personally seen it work very well.), Stanol-V by Ttokkyo, and Stanozolic by Ilium/Ausvet are some Mexican products that are gaining popularity, especially with the members of Elite Fitness. All of these come in 20 ml bottles. The Anabolic ST and Stanazolic by Ilium/Ausvet are 50mg/ml and the Stanol-V by Ttokkyo is 100mg/ml. The Stanol-V also comes as 10mg tablets which come in a 100 count and a 500 count bottle. In my opinion, the Mexican Stanozolol products are going to be less likely counterfeited.
NOTE: Recently Stanozolol has been sold in powder form. Most of this has been legitimate so far, but because it's strictly a black market item, one should be careful when purchasing it. Most users have reported using 50mg per day (orally) with very good results. The powder can be mixed in water to make a solution (i.e. 1000 mg powder in 100 ml water = 10mg/ml) or put into capsules. Recently (May, 2000) it was reported to contain 90% Stanozolol and the remaining 10% is actually a compound that prevents it from sticking together. So, if you purchase 1 gram (1000mg), you are really only getting 900mg.