BookerTNY Chairman of Board Chairman Member EF VIP Today at 11:21 AM #451 Taco night was a success, I hope. Maybe take it easy though. On the spicy stuff. You don't want to mess up your gut.
Taco night was a success, I hope. Maybe take it easy though. On the spicy stuff. You don't want to mess up your gut.
Arabian Elite Mentor Moderator Platinum Today at 11:30 AM #452 sciroxx has a lot of complaints i've seen around. So no surprise, you didn't have a good experience with them.
sciroxx has a lot of complaints i've seen around. So no surprise, you didn't have a good experience with them.
Shrine Chairman of Board Chairman Member Today at 11:41 AM #453 Nutrition. Seems very healthy. You're eating a lot of good stuff.
caligirl85 Head Mod Elite Moderator Today at 11:49 AM #454 i've tried sciroxx anavar before a while back from a friend to try. it messed me up bigtime. i can tell good var as a female quite easily. it was fake.
i've tried sciroxx anavar before a while back from a friend to try. it messed me up bigtime. i can tell good var as a female quite easily. it was fake.
zedhed Elite Moderator Elite Moderator Chairman Member Today at 11:57 AM #455 yeah stick to approved sources only. This way, you will never get ripped off.