Taking this feedback into account this is what I am looking at:
Pre-Cycle/0 week:
none atm
Weeks 1-6:
50mg Var
15mg MK 677
1 Cap n2guard
Weeks 7-10:
12.5mg Enclo
1 Cap HCGenerate
Currently only Nutricost Micronized Creatine, NowSport's ZMA caps, & Muscletech Platinum multi.
I notice some have been taking Cialis on cycle. What is the logic behind this? Purely for recreation, or is there some benefit?
I also notice some have been taking this cardio support pre-workout (I forget the brand name). Again, what exactly does it do for you over your standard preworkout?
I currently use Wave, a clinically-dosed pre-workout that links to literature behind every ingredient they use. I typically have similarily high standards for performance supplements because they are more often than not just snake oil. I understand not everyone has the patience to read studies but I've got more time than money at this point and I'm looking to not buy supplements with unclear links to performance. Over the weekend I will do a more thorough review of the studies I read to come to my conclusions on supplementation & gear, and summarize them in a post.
Generally, I go by the philosophy of 'less = more'. Less gear = less interactions = more predictable sides. Less supplementation = less confouding variables = more direct link to performance. Earlier in the IGF-1 pathway = less impact on the HPA = less shutdown for same muscle growth.
I truly believe it is possible, or that it will eventually be possible, to positively affect the IGF-1 pathway & increase muscle mass without secondary hypogonadism. You just need to find the right link in the chain that is least likely to be downregulated. That's why I'm excited about Enclomiphene & SERMs in general, as it uses the body's natural upregulation/downregulation of hormone secretagogues to actually raise testosterone production without a 'shutdown'; by tricking the body into thinking Estrogen is way up. The reason why steroid users (specifically Tren & Test derivatives w/o aromatase inhibitors) get gyno is because surplus Testosterone is converted into Estrogen. 'Convincing' the body that Estrogen is too high will cause Estrogen to be converted into Testosterone without any meaningful reduction in the Progesterone -> Testosterone pathway.
I truly think we are a few decades away from creating a SERM that triggers secondary Anabolic effects without secondary hypogonadism au pair. Fingers Crossed that RFK Jr.'s HHS makes it happen!