i figure if you arnt comfortable enough with someone to have a mutual understanding in the need for quiet and refelction time, then you arnt ready to live with them
Helen and I have been married 42 years.
Lately...every night.
I find myself asking the same question:
Who is this old woman who lives in my house?
Why is it that every little thing she does irritates me?
Like the way she gets the keys out of her purse -
- long before we reach the car.
And how she throws our money away on her ridiculous little collections.
And tossing out perfectly good food, -
- just because the expiration date is past.
And her obsession...her obsession with trying new restaurants.
Helen and I have been married 42 years.
Lately...every night.
I find myself asking the same question:
Who is this old woman who lives in my house?
Why is it that every little thing she does irritates me?
Like the way she gets the keys out of her purse -
- long before we reach the car.
And how she throws our money away on her ridiculous little collections.
And tossing out perfectly good food, -
- just because the expiration date is past.
And her obsession...her obsession with trying new restaurants.
stink feet, REALLLLLL stink feet. When he leaves his stink shoes in my car in the SUN on purpose... f'er. or takes his shoes off in the car and turns on the damn heater. wtf???? there are worse things about him, but this stink will singe your nose hairs off and give you wasabi brain fry.
i get told i use too much toilet paper too, i think its a girl thing
but i hate, and yes ill say it again, when you go in to use alot of toilet paper, and theres none there to use grrr and i move stuff, where he cant find it. he gripes like my mom
This is one of my few gripes. I'll pretty much go with anything, but when I want something a certain way, I fucking want it. I figure, since I don't ask much, I should get what I do ask for.
I hear ya. I have a "high maintenance" man. he takes longer showers, has more scented bottles, hair goo, body hair removal devices, shampoos, lotions, clothes, and stuff than I ever will. he is a chick with a dick, (he does have really nice big muscles) (and he sure does look good) but damn, he takes forever to get ready to go anywhere. I just wish he'd get something for his stink feet.