CodeNameDuchess V.I.P. EF Logger Today at 8:09 AM #441 Merry Christmas bros! Been busy with family the last few days so treating them as rest and recovery days
Merry Christmas bros! Been busy with family the last few days so treating them as rest and recovery days
the_alcatraz Head Mod Elite Moderator Today at 6:21 PM #442 CodeNameDuchess said: Merry Christmas bros! Been busy with family the last few days so treating them as rest and recovery days Click to expand... Merry Xmas @CodeNameDuchess love having you in the EF family bro
CodeNameDuchess said: Merry Christmas bros! Been busy with family the last few days so treating them as rest and recovery days Click to expand... Merry Xmas @CodeNameDuchess love having you in the EF family bro