Hi Guys,
I am a semi pro rugby player and I am 22 years old. I have been training solidly since I was around 16, I train well and have a good diet and have consistently increased my weight, strength and muscle def over the years (all naturally).
My gains have come to a bit of a hault over the last few weeks and I began researching AAS, after weeks of research I have decided to take an anavar only cycle for 8 weeks, at 60mg per day.
I am currently 5'10, 216lbs and around the 17% bf mark.
My current PBs are:
Dead lift - 440lbs x 5reps
Weighted Pull ups - +25lbs x 7 reps
Bench Press - 275lbs x 5 reps
Standing Military Press - 155lbs x 6 reps
Squat - 385lbs x 5reps
I will be starting this cycle on Mon 21st June and Im hoping for the following results over 8 weeks:
Increase all of the above lifts by 25lbs - 50lbs
Increase lean muscle mass
Up weight to around 225 - 230lbs
Decrease bf to around 12%
These are my goals and I will be logging my thoughts, feelings, improvements and any sides that I may encounter over the next 8 weeks.
Any thoughts, advice questions please post and I will try to reply to you as soon as possible.
I am a semi pro rugby player and I am 22 years old. I have been training solidly since I was around 16, I train well and have a good diet and have consistently increased my weight, strength and muscle def over the years (all naturally).
My gains have come to a bit of a hault over the last few weeks and I began researching AAS, after weeks of research I have decided to take an anavar only cycle for 8 weeks, at 60mg per day.
I am currently 5'10, 216lbs and around the 17% bf mark.
My current PBs are:
Dead lift - 440lbs x 5reps
Weighted Pull ups - +25lbs x 7 reps
Bench Press - 275lbs x 5 reps
Standing Military Press - 155lbs x 6 reps
Squat - 385lbs x 5reps
I will be starting this cycle on Mon 21st June and Im hoping for the following results over 8 weeks:
Increase all of the above lifts by 25lbs - 50lbs
Increase lean muscle mass
Up weight to around 225 - 230lbs
Decrease bf to around 12%
These are my goals and I will be logging my thoughts, feelings, improvements and any sides that I may encounter over the next 8 weeks.
Any thoughts, advice questions please post and I will try to reply to you as soon as possible.