lean forward about 30% try that to start
Thanks! That’s what I usually do!
Today was my cheat meal! I had some Panda Express!
Workout was great! I hit arms and cardio
Preworkout 15 mins light jogging treadmill
Incline db curls 35lbs 4x15,14,15, 12 up in reps
Chest supported DB kickbacks 15lbs 4x15
Underhanded lat pull downs 160lbs 4x12 up in reps
Cable tricep press down rope 80lbs up 10lbs 4x12
Cable rope hammer curls 70lbs 4x12 up in reps
Overhead cable tricep extension 90lbs 4x10,8,10,10 up in reps
Finished workout with 20mins on the stairclimber at moderate speed.