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KKKlick's Anavar Cycle Log

day 22/57

Ended up skipping the gym yesterday, diet was awful, would be surprised if I hit 1,300 calories, was feeling down and a bit depressed yesteday? Little things are upsetting me whereas before I could be indifferent, strange. Went hard today at the gym to make up for yesterday. Did about 4 excercises for forearms 4 sets and abs (lower upper and obliques), then 70 minutes on the bike burning approx 400 cals, tried to do as much HIIT in that as possible but eventually I just was doing the ol' regular boring cardio. Heart rate was still mid 150's the whole time though. Nothing else to note, back bi's tmrw
Day 23/57

Back bi's went well. All lifts are progressing slightly. Vascularity in my forearms is beautiful, can't walk by a mirror without checking em out. Frustrated with the lack of fat loss so far (muscle gains have been pretty good though, looks like I'm responding well to the var). It's like I can't make a dent in that lower back fat and stomach fat, was on the bike for 12 miles today on top of working out and eating an insanely healthy diet. Must be genetics, no one in my entire extended family has been under 18%ish bf, I'm stretching here, could still be too early, the body can only get rid of so much fat at a time I guess. Haven't checked the scale but Im assuming I'm pretty much the same weight.
Day 23/57

Back bi's went well. All lifts are progressing slightly. Vascularity in my forearms is beautiful, can't walk by a mirror without checking em out. Frustrated with the lack of fat loss so far (muscle gains have been pretty good though, looks like I'm responding well to the var). It's like I can't make a dent in that lower back fat and stomach fat, was on the bike for 12 miles today on top of working out and eating an insanely healthy diet. Must be genetics, no one in my entire extended family has been under 18%ish bf, I'm stretching here, could still be too early, the body can only get rid of so much fat at a time I guess. Haven't checked the scale but Im assuming I'm pretty much the same weight.

sounds like your diet needs to be tweeked......if you're not losing weight you are either eating to much or not enough, our you just need to switch things up to keep your body guessing. It's very possible you've gone into starvation mode
sounds like your diet needs to be tweeked......if you're not losing weight you are either eating to much or not enough, our you just need to switch things up to keep your body guessing. It's very possible you've gone into starvation mode
I agree. If it's one of the two it's not eating enough, the var has done a number on my appetite. Also, really get hungry only at night, dunno why. I actually took some pics this morning and compared them to ones I took 17 days ago and there is some fat loss for sure, the lighting in the pics is different so I'm not basing that on apparent definition (theres more especially the abs area) but moreso my stomach and it's gone in a bit. Also lost some fat of my chest, much more shapely now especially when flexed. At this pace I should be able to see my abs by the end of April :)
Day 24/57

Oh baby here comes the var, insane pumps (took all 70mg before gym today instead of the 40 before and 30 after split. Since my gym schedule has changed due to school this is what it has to be but you know what I think it's better, pumps were awesome).

I can't stress this enough, before I looked like crap in a loose or tight T-shirt, looked like I didn't even lift (genetically small forearms), today at the gym I felt amazing when I looked in the mirror doing dumbell presses shoulder shrugs and seeing how much better I look. Gut is still there, had a BAD cheat meal yesterday holy, philly cheesesteak with mayo. Was regretting it right after but it looked so good...

Was at the gym for about 3 hours today 2 hr weights and 1 hr cardio, feeling good. Vascularity is just getting better and better.

As far as strength goes, now it's starting. I kind of tweaked my right shoulder so I didn't up the weight but kept it the same as last time; but chest and tri lifts are definitely up.

I'm definitely in var's wheelhouse right now and I don't wanna get out, knowing I have just over 4 more weeks of this to make even more improvements makes me a happy man =)
Day 25/57
Forearms abs and an hour cardio. Strength increasing and ab exercises are getting much easier.

Day 26/57
Haven't gone to the gym yet, but will be back bi's n cardio

Have a question bros, I was thinking of switching my deit to a Keto diet, I've seen some great transformations, but I don't know if it's a diet that would fit a var cycle. Would the lack of carbs diminish the already minimal muscle gains var gives? Just thinking since I'm not very hungry most of the time, it will be easy for me to cut the carbs. If anyone knows anything about this advice would be appreciated.
I agree. If it's one of the two it's not eating enough, the var has done a number on my appetite. Also, really get hungry only at night, dunno why. I actually took some pics this morning and compared them to ones I took 17 days ago and there is some fat loss for sure, the lighting in the pics is different so I'm not basing that on apparent definition (theres more especially the abs area) but moreso my stomach and it's gone in a bit. Also lost some fat of my chest, much more shapely now especially when flexed. At this pace I should be able to see my abs by the end of April :)

I definitely had the appetite suppression with var. I think that is a good thing if you are trying to lean up, maintain muscle, and gain strength. But you definitely don't get bulky and can't with this.

Hope your appetite gets in line with your goals. Thx for sharing your progress.
thanks ^^^

Alright guys I decided to start a Keto diet as of this morning, keeping protein and fats high and carbs virtually minimum. Going to have 1 carb reload per week, hoping to see some nice fat loss in the next 4 weeks
Man I'm loving this cycle!!!

Vascularity is a huge bonus with var, massively interested on the bf Droppin, and hardenin. Overall effects? How has it changed you?
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