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KKKlick's Anavar Cycle Log

Keep this going. It would be a good resource. I've run a var-only "cycle" and I got a lot out of it. 11 weeks, averaged 50mg a day: gained 10lbs, lost 3% bf, lifts went up big. I have a log with all my weights and these are the end results: Bench + 50lbs, squats + 50lbs, dead lifts + 60lbs, wide grip lat + 40lbs, rows + 40lbs, curls + 30-40lbs (barbell). Those were some really solid results, especially considering the fact that I had zero side effects. I only ran nolva at 20mg a day for 12 days afterwards, and even that may have been unnecessary. Its been 2 months since my cycle ended and my weight dropped about 5lbs within 10 days from stopping and my lifts all went down by about 5-10lbs (probably just from the loss of power, not muscle). My weights are all back to where they were on cycle now, so it looks like I had initially kept about 90% of my gains (which is pretty damn good). Anavar standalone is a solid choice (so long as you have a source with decent prices or dont care about money) and it shouldn't be knocked like it often is. Obviously running it with test could be better, but that all depends on your goals and outlook.
Appreciate it, will keep it going for sure. To anyone else, I don't mind any negative comments, but this is more of a log than a thread to discuss anavar use or if I should/should not be using it.

Might as well update today then, did a leg day with a half hour on the bike after, I still cant walk. Pump was great and had trouble walking throughout the gym lol. Also noticed a vein in my forearm today (I have never in my life seen any outline or colour of a vein on my forearm, not even close). Vascularity seems to be kicking in, being at a lower bf% than the last time I ran it prob helps to. 70 mg seems to be the trick, I may bump it to 80 later on but I'm liking 70 at the moment. Recovery is increased, I did bi's on sunday (absolutely wrecked them to the point that I was unbelievably sore in the morning) and I feel like I could work them out again right now. In terms of fat loss nothing noted, I'm taking creatine if anything my body has thickened up quite a bit, looks like I have the mass I used to a few months ago. Still got just under 8 weeks its just the beginning but I'm liking the dosage so far.
I wouldn't say its a lack of dedication, more so that I care about my real future. I don't think you have any comprehension on how difficult law school is.

No, your probably right man. I HEAR it is very tough, extremely long hours and such. But your right, at least "I" dont know how tough it is.

but the fact is, when not being in the gym for 40 days, thats a horrible time to decide to jump into a cycle. Why not wait till you can dedicate the energy needed to make the most of your cycle? when your actually in GOOD lifting shape?

can you really study, work 50, 60, 70+ hours a week and STILL have the energy and time to get in all your meals when you should be and give 100% in the gym?

I know I couldnt. My workouts would be severely lacking.....but maybe your

my 2 cents

best of luck
sorry bro but the guys are right. gotta get the muscles conditioned before running a cycle cause now you are gonna have a lot of soreness and longer recovery times. which will results in a waste of a cycle. i really wish you would stop the cycle and hold off a little bit.. var isn't cheap.. it would be like taking the bar exam when you haven't done any studying in 40 days.

in any event good luck whatever you choose to do.. if you continue the cycle then i will be looking for before and after pics.
I hear ya guys, I already have a good natural recovery rate, the way I'm looking at it is, will it affect my workouts to the point that I'm still sore by the next one.

As of now my split is:

I worked bi's and back on sunday, I'm slated to work them tmrw and today is my rest day, to be honest the soreness is gone (did have it as of last night but I've been sleeping 10 hours per night so that's helping recovery).

I get the logic as to why it's not optimal to jump on a cycle after taking a break I agree there, at this point I'm in however and don't forsee the muscle soreness as getting in the way at the moment. I wish I could just stop like that Steve but I'm already 4 days in. I've taken extended breaks before (without aas when I got back into it) and the soreness per muscle never lasted more than 4 days for me. Is there anything I may be missing here?

Also to wcj yea I get what you're saying but I'm off for 3 weeks and when I get back to school the first little while isn't so bad it will only get hectic around march/april so I have complete time and total dedication to this cycle.
Update for Day 5/57

So bros, basically today was the real test to see if I was going to stop the cycle due to the advice I received the other day in this thread. The real test was will I progress on my lifts or feel any effects of overtraining or not allowing my muscles enough time to recover. Well I'm happy to say that today went awesome, much better than I could have expected. I felt a tiny bit of soreness on my overhead pulldowns, but nothing more than what I usually feel while doing that exercise, after that it was smooth sailing. I somehow managed to add 10-15 pounds on every exercise I did (did the exact same routine as last sunday) and it was easier to do the heavier weights. I guess I can attribute this to muscle conditioning, muscle memory, anavar and creatine.

When I was doing bi's, holy it looked like someone cut my arm open stuck a baseball in there and sewed me up, never seen my bi's look like that before, the pump was unreal (for me). Vascularity is showing now to, I have this one big vein in my forearm that is finally visible. As for fat loss ,still nothing noticable but that's to be expected I guess, usually it takes me a few weeks to notice lowering of body fat. The liquid albuterol is really helping my energy in the gym because man the var is making me quite lethargic, hopefully it subsides soon.

By the way the HCGenerate has my boys working great, this product really works. I started taking it yesterday (should've started right away because the var was already starting to lower my libido and suppress me within only 3 days!) Also haven't ejaculated in 7 days, and you're probably wondering why the hell I'm telling you this, according to a recent study not ejaculating for 7 days, on the 7th day your testosterone production increases by 47%. I have been raging more than usual today as well but who knows.

No other side effects, cramping is pretty much gone. Don't regret this cycle so far, very happy with the progress in the last 5 days. If this cycle does nothing but give me a shit ton of strength, I'll take it, because I'm pretty weak for my build I would say (but I'm quite sure the var is gonna do more than that).

Any questions post em bros, sorry for the long update, no one knows I'm on anything so I gotta tell someone! lol
Update for Day 5/57

So bros, basically today was the real test to see if I was going to stop the cycle due to the advice I received the other day in this thread. The real test was will I progress on my lifts or feel any effects of overtraining or not allowing my muscles enough time to recover. Well I'm happy to say that today went awesome, much better than I could have expected. I felt a tiny bit of soreness on my overhead pulldowns, but nothing more than what I usually feel while doing that exercise, after that it was smooth sailing. I somehow managed to add 10-15 pounds on every exercise I did (did the exact same routine as last sunday) and it was easier to do the heavier weights. I guess I can attribute this to muscle conditioning, muscle memory, anavar and creatine.

When I was doing bi's, holy it looked like someone cut my arm open stuck a baseball in there and sewed me up, never seen my bi's look like that before, the pump was unreal (for me). Vascularity is showing now to, I have this one big vein in my forearm that is finally visible. As for fat loss ,still nothing noticable but that's to be expected I guess, usually it takes me a few weeks to notice lowering of body fat. The liquid albuterol is really helping my energy in the gym because man the var is making me quite lethargic, hopefully it subsides soon.

By the way the HCGenerate has my boys working great, this product really works. I started taking it yesterday (should've started right away because the var was already starting to lower my libido and suppress me within only 3 days!) Also haven't ejaculated in 7 days, and you're probably wondering why the hell I'm telling you this, according to a recent study not ejaculating for 7 days, on the 7th day your testosterone production increases by 47%. I have been raging more than usual today as well but who knows.

No other side effects, cramping is pretty much gone. Don't regret this cycle so far, very happy with the progress in the last 5 days. If this cycle does nothing but give me a shit ton of strength, I'll take it, because I'm pretty weak for my build I would say (but I'm quite sure the var is gonna do more than that).

Any questions post em bros, sorry for the long update, no one knows I'm on anything so I gotta tell someone! lol

Anavar dont give strength gains until week 2, so the strength you gained is from creatine and muscle memory..
Also not ejaculating for 7 days to get strong, aggressive or whatever is all fukin BS, ejaculating the day before a workout works the best im always strong and motivated the day after..
Anavar dont give strength gains until week 2, so the strength you gained is from creatine and muscle memory..
Also not ejaculating for 7 days to get strong, aggressive or whatever is all fukin BS, ejaculating the day before a workout works the best im always strong and motivated the day after..
I see, yea that makes sense.

Hey man calm down this is the study I was talking about didn't imply it's for sure just thought it was interesting. And no it's not to get strong or aggresive its to get a free boost of natty test

A research on the relationship b... [J Zhejiang Univ Sci. 2003 Mar-Apr] - PubMed - NCBI
I see, yea that makes sense.

Hey man calm down this is the study I was talking about didn't imply it's for sure just thought it was interesting. And no it's not to get strong or aggresive its to get a free boost of natty test

A research on the relationship b... [J Zhejiang Univ Sci. 2003 Mar-Apr] - PubMed - NCBI

I have actually read that study before with many others, its all BS, tiny bit of increase in test wont do jack, just whack it off or fuck your girlfriend/wife already, theres no need to abstain, if you dont like having fun thats fine.. Also you dont get free boost of natty T from abstain, just pop 5g of tribulus if you want..
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