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KKKlick's Anavar Cycle Log

Man I'm loving this cycle!!!

Vascularity is a huge bonus with var, massively interested on the bf Droppin, and hardenin. Overall effects? How has it changed you?

Glad to hear it mate, yea vascularity is a bonus for sure.

In terms of body fat I've seen a bit of a change, I just modified my diet to a keto diet, should work quite well given the anti-catabolic properties of var, should be able to strip off a good amount of fat over the next month. So far the fat loss has been so-so but definitely noticable.

Hardening is awesome, especially in the gym. After a couple of exercises for the body parts I'm working they're fully pumped.

Overall effects, muscle gains coming slow and dropping fat, mostly noticing a change in my physique, I go to a university gym and I'm now one of the bigger guys in there.

How has it changed me? Well I would say I look a hell of a lot better in clothes, and with my shirt off but the bit of fat I have left really bothers me. Don't think I'll be fully satisfied until I can get my bf% to somwhere around 8-12%. I have a long term goal of being 195 @9-10% by September 2012, this cycle has refocused me on the path to be fit so it deifnitely has changed me. More confident as well. Now half way through the cycle and have made some noticable changes, the peak for the next little while should yield some reasonable changes I'm hoping.

Question for brahs, I can't help thinking the keto diet will halt the (albeit little) muscle gains that var gives. Don't know the science behind it but I'm sure muscles need carbs to grow.. Given that fat loss is the main goal of this cycle I still would say the keto diet is the right way to go but since var does pack some muscle on I don't want to lose that opportunity.
Sounds like my kinda thing.

You have very similar goals to me. Except I'm aiming for some mass before I cut.

I'm at 6" 190lbs and 13%. ideally I'd like to get to 220lbs 10% by sept 2013 also.

Muscles feel somewhat spongy from a dbol cycle I ran, and not very vascular. I would LOVE a hardened vascular look whilst bulking, but that's almost an impossible task haha. One thing at a time :)

Loving the log massively, learnt a lot from it and it seems to work for you. So well done bro. Will continue to follow :)
Day 31/57

Things are going well. Losing fat but arms are same size/smaller, prob cuz the water has been drained because of no carbs. I'm currently in Ketosis right now and plan to be until the 27th of this month when I'll have a carb-up. Workouts in the gym aren't at the level they were before (85%) but I'm getting used to it.

Strength is improving in forearms chest shoulders tris bis back, the lifts just keep goin up. I would say my weak points right now are abs a bit, chest and shoulders. Vascularity is good, fat loss is good, strength is good, recovery is excellent, pumps are awesome. Nothing but positive to report
Just a small update, day 8 of keto, muscles are flatter because of the water and glycogen being drained from the muscles. More definition and vascularity is looking better on keto. Have my carb up on the 27th so by then I should be able to judge the difference after the initial bloating subsides.

On another note I'm starting to feel down again, I'm getting down on myself because I question my ability to reach my goal physique. I'm doing everything right but things seem to be slowing down in terms of progress. This happened last cycle to but around week 6. I'm going to wait until the carb up then take pics and see the difference, if I feel the var isn't leading to changes the way it was I'll likely stop the cycle after week 6, no point in abusing my liver for no reason.

I'm looking forward to running a better cycle in May, I'm going to try to cut until then, then run a bulker cycle something like test and primo, or maybe test and var.
just a tip.. carb up and stay carb'd up. you will still burn fat and you will get more out of the cycle.

keto works well to burn fat but while on i wouldnt waste the juice by not supplying my muscles the carbs they need.

again you can still loose a bunch of weight taking in 30 - 40% of your cals from carbs... you just need to watch your overall cals and take in good low glycemic carbs.. do a bit of am cardio as well to bump up the fat loss as well.

just an idea.. give it some thought.
I think I just might do that, that was my concern, didn't want to waste the var if I could just do keto off cycle with the same results. I'll be carbing up this week and depending on the size of my muscles after glycogen and water is restored, if I look a lot better maybe I'll keep going but if I see just fat loss and not much improvement I'll stick to the traditional 40/40/20 split.

Just a quick note, I guess its the drained water but my forearms have crazy definition right now, moreso than ever before in my life. Keto does work but probably just not the right timing. I saw some var+keto threads on UK muscle but there was no definitive information
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Anavar only was ment to be my first cycle, but after only doing 5days i noticed very sensative nipples! I actually thought that i was developing gyno from a drug that does not aromatise.. Furthermore i began reading alot about it and seems like i wasent the only one in the world that had experienced this

I read a article about receptor cross-over from Needto, this was on another forum wich led me to this one! Thanks god

But thats another story, when i was quite ripped i popt 50mg of anavar in 5days i began seeing veins i had never seen on my shoulders! DAIM
Since i was freaking out due to the ichyness and that i was abit young and unexperienced i went to my doctor and got rid of my package of anavar ! WTF:...
Hey man, I hadn't checked your log in a while. Looks like you've had a good cycle so far though. I'm 3 weeks into my own right now and things are going great. Just wondering- what are you planning on doing for post? I keep hearing some conflicting views about what to run: from nolva, to clomid, to both, or to get some otc natural test boosters/ai supplements.
@theguy - clomid.

Update, cycle is winding down I'm in my last week. The results have not been groundbreaking, but I saw some great results. I'll review each component here. for those that want pics pm me, would rather do that than post them on here.

Fat Loss: Really not sure, because before I started I had taken a layoff beforehand and my abs were nonexistant, so the flatness of my stomach was probably deceiving. Now, my stomach looks the same but I can feel my abs a hell of a lot better than 2 months ago. Fat loss everywhere else was ok, not sure what the difference woul have been without var. Overall I'd say 6.5/10

Vascularity: Wow it's ramped up, tons of veins in my arms forearms chest etc. Flexing the forearms and seeing all those cuts and veins feels good 9/10

Pumps: They were hit and miss, some days I'd havae crazy pumps, other days I wouldn't. When they were on thy were good though 8/10

Strength: Strength topped out a few weeks ago, haven't been able to add any weight to chest or back. I think my body has gone as far as it can. 7/10

Overall I'll give the cycle a solid 7.5/10, it was definitely worth it, (since $ wasn't an issue). Now the plan is this. Later this week when I run out start the clomid, I've been taking hcgenerate the whole time and feeling good (mood has been ok) so I'm sure I won't need to pct too long, will do the full pct to be safe though, 3 weeks clomid.

Then I will keto cut until the end of April, then looking to run a test cycle in May for 12 weeks with some var at the end. First injectable so I would only feel comfortable stacking it with something I've taken before. Going to gain as much lean mass as possible until early August, then after the cycle and pct is over just cut to get shredded and then I should be at the size and definition I want enough to maintain.

For those bros who ask for pics I would appreciate some input as to my future cycle and if my goals are realistic. Cheers
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