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KKKlick's Anavar Cycle Log

whats your routine?

whats your diet?

Good luck

Breakfast = Kashi golean cereal, tablespoon olive oil, protein shake (or eggs)
Post workout = Shake
Then 20 minutes later I'll have a meal, chicken breast with spinach and chick peas or lentils + plain low sugar yogurt (sometimes I'll have brown rice with veggies instead as a source of carbs
Next meal is the same thing and add a handful of almonds + blueberries
Drink about 4-5 litres of water per day, don't drink anything other than water not even diet sodas etc
Before bed a casein protein shake
Sometimes in between there I might have a protein bar (a low carb one) just for some added protein

As far as hunger goes I'm good, I never get hungry with this meal plan but I'm pretty sure that there's too many shakes in there. Just hard to get a high amount of protein from eating chicken breast all day the var has really lowered my appetite quite a bit some days I struggle to even eat whats in the meal plan and have to force it down.
Cool Thanks! and again good luck w/ he cycle keep this thread going!
You should do great. My first ever cycle was just 25mg of Anavar ED for 6 weeks (I think 6). I put on a few pounds while shedding bodyfat. I had vascularity and definition. Strength went way up. I finally had a nice set of abs. Not one side affect. Anavar will always hold a special place in my pantry lol.

BTW just a about throwing some ECA in there while you're at it? It will help you burn more fat and give you more energy. I think it's a nice addition to a little cycle like this. Probably safer than albuterol too. Just drink water.
Cool Thanks! and again good luck w/ he cycle keep this thread going!
Thanks for the well wishes Judo, will do!

You should do great. My first ever cycle was just 25mg of Anavar ED for 6 weeks (I think 6). I put on a few pounds while shedding bodyfat. I had vascularity and definition. Strength went way up. I finally had a nice set of abs. Not one side affect. Anavar will always hold a special place in my pantry lol.

BTW just a about throwing some ECA in there while you're at it? It will help you burn more fat and give you more energy. I think it's a nice addition to a little cycle like this. Probably safer than albuterol too. Just drink water.

Yes anavar is great, I've made more progress in 10 days than I have in the previous month+ of training/dieting.

As far as the ECA goes I tried it before but it was giving me stomach problems (but I was also having unrelated stomach issues at the time which I don't have anymore). My albuterol is pretty much almost done anyways have maybe about a weeks worth left, so I will definitely give it a try again. Thanks for the advice Conan!
Day 17/57

Haven't had much to report, vascularity is increasing, pumps are strong (no back pump problems). Getting a bit stronger everywhere, except bench. Going to up it 10 pounds anyways next workout I'll have a spotter. Definition is getting better, fat loss is coming slow butt I can see it starting, have upp the cardio to HIIT 30-40 minutes post workout every other workout. Hoping the anavar and albuterol are strong enough catabolics to help me out here. Have just started this cardio format 4 days ago so not sure what the result will be. Diets still the same. 40 days but the var peak hasn't reached me yet, last time I peaked around week 3-4 till 7, so will be hitting the gym extra hard (although it's gonna be hard to go harder than i already do). Little bit of acne, might be from the hcgenerate, cuz last time I got no acne from var. Also increased hair growth for sure, and that's def from the var.

Cheers guys
Day 18/57

Recovery is great, hit back/bi's 3 days ago and was able to hit them again today and strength went up again. So far I've really noticed improvements in my posture, shoulder width and size, chest (quite a bit of improvement), back and arms (mostly bi's, tri's are so-so improvement). Basically the biggest change I've seen is in shoulders and chest, I used to look like a pear in a shirt, decent upper body then love handles and wide hip bones made me look like a chick. Now my back (lats) have some width, shoulders are wider and chest sticks out, so despite not losing too much body fat I'm looking much much better.

Pumps were intense during lower back today, nothing painful though.

Getting some acne as I mentioned, this is why I was hesitant about running test, I'm very prone to all sides (hair loss, acne, gyno etc). I'm betting it's the hcg but var has acne as a potential side as well, who knows, nothing too too bad, just 4 pimples, but they won't go away.

Vascularity still the same as last time, seems that most of the results are concentrated in the forearms and this huge blue vein I have running along my chest.

So looks like I hit the 4 points, strength, vascularity, pumps and fat loss, in terms of fat loss nothing major yet which is a disappointment but I think that it's more me being impatient, cant expect to see too much fat loss improvement in 2.5 weeks, I'll reassess around week 4-5, but as far as diet cardio and training goes things couldn't be any better, so I just have to be confident that what I'm doing will work and just be patient.

Lufsen, it's kind of local but they've gone big recently because their products are legit. Var has a problem of being underdosed because of it's high cost but this brand is legit.

Day 21/57

Took yesterday off since I had gone 6 days straight to the gym+cardio, could have gone but decided to give the CNS system a rest so I literally stayed in bed most of the day, walked about 5K but that was about it. I'm starting to see/feel a bit of the fat loss. I can't grab as much fat in the love handles area as before, didn't really notice this until yesterday really, but I do remember having more fat there but the area is tightening up (could it be because of lower back pumps though?) I had worked out back the previous day..

Vascularity is beautiful, I have 3 new huge veins showing in my forearms and a new one on my chest, cuts on my forearms are coming in nice.

Traps are coming in great (very weak spot of mine, shoulders came into my neck at a 90 degree angle), really liking the way my upper body is looking right now, if I could stay this same size but with more definition and a lower bf% I would be extremely happy. I'm glad that var targets abdominal and leg fat, that's where I'm carrying the most of what's left, another 5 weeks to go and the peak of var is here :verygood:Just as a litle added note, I bought this red tank top about 8 days ago, came home tried it on and the fit was awful, looked fat because it was so tight around te waist, put it on yesterday and it's actually looking good.

I don't get why people hate on var only cycles, I feel that the risk to reward ratio is favourable, and if you keep your natty test going as much as possible while on and you PCT properly when you come off, it's a great little cycle to shed some fat and add a few pounds of keepable LBM (assumiong diet, training and supplementation is on point, can't stress that enough). I've seen people run a var cycle at around the same dosage as I'm running it and the only change that was made was their arms became huge. He was eating Mcdonalds, training arms 3-4 times a week didn't do cardio and didn't take any other supplements except whey. Like everyone else says, gear is just the icing on the cake, making sure that the effort you put in will show results. So I would advise that before doing a cycle like this make sure you have all the supplementation and follow a strict diet, training regiment. As far as diet, I followed Radar's post as to what foods to include in my diet since I'm trying to add muscle and lose fat at the same time


Hitting the gym today for abs, forearms and cardio,
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