**more laziness than anything else, bunny**
Worked legs/hamstring-focus this morning. Maybe back tonight for cardio.
M1: Whey shake w/4 oz skim, water, ice
M2: 6 oz chicken breast, .5 cup mixed veggies -frozen california blend
M3: Kashi southwestern chicken at 240 calories, 5g fat, 16 protein. Around 30 carbs with a bunch of fiber.
M4: Boca burger with 1/2 red bell pepper and 12 baby carrots
M5: 8 oz chicken breast, steamed broccoli, green salad
TOTAL, 1582 calories
Fat, 25%
Carbs, 17%
Protein, 58%
Saturday was a breast cancer walk-a-thon w/my exboyfriends mom and helping a friend/neighbor with her garage sale. She is moving out west also!! I made us fettuccini with homemade alfredo sauce and crab meat and broccoli. Such an indulgence, so great! Great stories from the day, sold some of my stuff, and the champagne definitely helped. Basically, I made a total of $270 and got rid of a lot of junk. I got some exposure to some "interesting shoppers" and got some great stories to boot. There is the tough looking 6'5" biker guy with long stringy blonde hair, tattoos, leather vest and ~5 teeth who when he spoke sounded like a gentle boy ... he bought two Christmas angels and told me he was giving them to his mother who has a collection of them..gets them at tag sales and names the angels after the person she bought them he wanted to know my name...hooray there are two angels named after me on some woman's fake fireplace mantle in a trailer somewhere.(actually this guy was quite nice and I enjoyed him)....then there is the fat young woman...let's call her muffin top girl...who looked at my bustier and asked how much and when I said $5..put it down and replied "I don't think so...I'm very picky" upon which I so wanted to say yes I can see that based upon you "shopping" for your wardrobe at yard sales...but chose to be more subtle and said "was that going to be for you?"..her reply.."yeah" and I said in an incredulous voice.."well that would never fit you anyway"..upon which I thought my gf was going to fall off her chair...and then there was the very well dressed woman who bought the nice wooden Chinese checkers game which was marked a dollar effing fifty...and she was telling me how beautiful the wood board was and that she has an "ugly plastic" one at home and then proceeded to ask me if I'd take $.50 off the price...yes folks that would be $1 instead of a whopping $1.50...since this request was on day two and my gf had grown tiresome of the pathetic (not all) people in her yard...two of which bought nothing but put their cigarettes out in her we refused to let her have it for less...tee that point she said she would have preferred to take her wood chopping ax and hack it in half then give it to her for less... end of story. I needed this yard sale after the more serious walk-athon in the AM and there were some pretty cool people who came AND brought there sense of humor w/them.
Holy Tattoo! I cannot believe I got myself into this. I already posted my 'props to paul' in another thread, but more pictures here. I made a few mistakes this week (last week was the bottom flower only). I worked out in the AM yesterday, which I think got my adreline flowing. I only consumed a protein shake after, which means my blood sugar was low. At the end of about 90 minutes this week (stems, leaves, outline of two flowers) I thought I was going to throw up or pass out. Going to pop a painkiller before the next session. The ribs are INTENSE!