Weight 240.9
Conventional Deadlift
Pause Squats
Straight Arm Pulldown/Pullover Rope
Recumbent Bike
After finishing up pause squats got a terrible pain in my groin tendon so took it easy the rest of the workout and just did one more thing and then off to stationary bike to warmdown. Going to back off on all exercises that dont pertain to powerlifting for the foreseable future. Will do mutliple types of bench on bench day and avoid shoulder work altogether. Very limited bicep work. Maybe a couple sets here and there on arm or back day. I figure ive put enough muscle on over the course of the last 18 months that I can coast through and just get stronger in the main three lifts. Going to try and keep up and do the main three lifts multiple times per week. Its time to get the ball rolling and get the big three lifts up to record levels over the course of the next 12-18 months. Whatever it takes I will break the world record in the Deadlift and the powerlifting total at min. If all goes well maybe even the bench and the squat as well but that will be further down the road IMO. I want that deadlift record of 733 lbs at 220 lb BW. Ok everyone have a good weekend and get strong AF!!!
This is also going to be the last entry into this log as the cycle ended on the 31st. I will post up photos in the next few days. All in all I am happy as a clam at high tide. My strength went linear the entire time as I kept hitting PR after PR the entire cycle while losing BF. I might have to settle for the high 220's for my lowest weight before doing a water cut for my powerlifting meet. I just dont know how much weight my body will allow me to lose without losing all my strength and most importantly getting injured. I feel if I go to low it increases my injury risk and I cant allow that. I just want to thank Purity Source Labs and @~Vision~ for the opportunity to get a full sponsorship for my needs in order to continue to see gains even as I hit my mid 50's. I feel there will be many more years left of gains ahead as I feel I am at the early stages of my genetic limits and have much left to achieve. I also want to thank everyone of you on Evo cheering me along as it really helps motivate me when I am feeling tired and down. It pushes me to the next level when you all are cheering me on each and every day so you are just as much a part of my success as pretty much everything else that goes into a successful log. I cant wait to start my next cycle which I am in the planning stages and will be a strength oriented cycle as I plan to compete on the platform at a local powerlifting comp in the first week of May with my wife. Ok everyone get big and strong with me and cant wait to do it all over again!!!
Weight 240.9
Conventional Deadlift
Pause Squats
Straight Arm Pulldown/Pullover Rope
Recumbent Bike
After finishing up pause squats got a terrible pain in my groin tendon so took it easy the rest of the workout and just did one more thing and then off to stationary bike to warmdown. Going to back off on all exercises that dont pertain to powerlifting for the foreseable future. Will do mutliple types of bench on bench day and avoid shoulder work altogether. Very limited bicep work. Maybe a couple sets here and there on arm or back day. I figure ive put enough muscle on over the course of the last 18 months that I can coast through and just get stronger in the main three lifts. Going to try and keep up and do the main three lifts multiple times per week. Its time to get the ball rolling and get the big three lifts up to record levels over the course of the next 12-18 months. Whatever it takes I will break the world record in the Deadlift and the powerlifting total at min. If all goes well maybe even the bench and the squat as well but that will be further down the road IMO. I want that deadlift record of 733 lbs at 220 lb BW. Ok everyone have a good weekend and get strong AF!!!
This is also going to be the last entry into this log as the cycle ended on the 31st. I will post up photos in the next few days. All in all I am happy as a clam at high tide. My strength went linear the entire time as I kept hitting PR after PR the entire cycle while losing BF. I might have to settle for the high 220's for my lowest weight before doing a water cut for my powerlifting meet. I just dont know how much weight my body will allow me to lose without losing all my strength and most importantly getting injured. I feel if I go to low it increases my injury risk and I cant allow that. I just want to thank Purity Source Labs and @~Vision~ for the opportunity to get a full sponsorship for my needs in order to continue to see gains even as I hit my mid 50's. I feel there will be many more years left of gains ahead as I feel I am at the early stages of my genetic limits and have much left to achieve. I also want to thank everyone of you on Evo cheering me along as it really helps motivate me when I am feeling tired and down. It pushes me to the next level when you all are cheering me on each and every day so you are just as much a part of my success as pretty much everything else that goes into a successful log. I cant wait to start my next cycle which I am in the planning stages and will be a strength oriented cycle as I plan to compete on the platform at a local powerlifting comp in the first week of May with my wife. Ok everyone get big and strong with me and cant wait to do it all over again!!!