First of all that's a killer avatar.
Second, last year i had some flat and weak shoulders. I decided something had to be done. I made it a personal goal to be able to do handstand pushups. I achieved this with 2 exercises.
1. Static hold. I would face the wall a few feet from it. Then plant my hands down in front and do sort of a front cartwheel to end up being upside down and my feet resting against the wall (knees bent at 90 degree angle). I think i started out with something like 20 seconds holding, 30 seconds rest (be careful, you will be dizzy at first). Then i worked on adding seconds to the hold and keeping rest at 30 seconds.
2. Walking hands. This time face away from the wall. Plant your hands down in front and put your feet up against the wall to bring yourself up in a sort of inverted pushup position. Slowly walk your hands back toward the wall and move your feet up the wall until you are almost straight upside down. Then walk your hands back out to the starting position, then walk your hands back in, repeat, repeat, repeat.
Try doing these 2 or 3 times a week. I bet your shoulders will respond.