ceo Chairman of Board Chairman Member EF Logger Today at 8:54 AM #71 Bros. Drop sets are fun to do if you want to get a nice pump.
Austin316 Chairman of Board Chairman Member Today at 8:58 AM #72 I like to finish my workouts with a couple drop sets. It's basically where you drop the amount of weight you're doing, just to do more reps.
I like to finish my workouts with a couple drop sets. It's basically where you drop the amount of weight you're doing, just to do more reps.
sambee38 Chairman of Board Chairman Member Today at 9:03 AM #73 I don't think drop sets have much Merit. It's more for show more than anything.
the_alcatraz Head Mod Elite Moderator Today at 9:08 AM #74 YoreyC said: dunno what the purpose of a super set is really just how my guy programmed it... what's a drop set or a negative? Click to expand... which guys programmed it?
YoreyC said: dunno what the purpose of a super set is really just how my guy programmed it... what's a drop set or a negative? Click to expand... which guys programmed it?
BookerTNY Chairman of Board Chairman Member EF VIP Today at 9:10 AM #75 Thanks for updating this. Glad to see that you're pushing things.
Arabian Elite Mentor Moderator Platinum Today at 9:15 AM #76 Nice videos that you're posting. Great job. My man. You are a beast.
Zyglamail EF MOD Moderator Platinum EF VIP Today at 10:51 AM #77 I'll predict that you'll have some incredible updates as a song keeps going.
Shrine Chairman of Board Chairman Member Today at 10:57 AM #78 Really looking forward to seeing you do really well in the future. Hopefully you get some good results.
Really looking forward to seeing you do really well in the future. Hopefully you get some good results.
caligirl85 Head Mod Elite Moderator Today at 11:03 AM #79 Romanian deadlifts are really good. It's a tough work out.
zedhed Elite Moderator Elite Moderator Chairman Member Today at 11:07 AM #80 Don't forget to update us on the meals as well. We want to see some videos or pictures of that.