Dear all,
After great feedback and a very warm welcome that I just received in the forum, I’m happy to share more information about my Log and journey.
I will give an overview about my training routine for the upcoming months, similar to what I usually do.
I’ll shift and re introduce 5x5 training, deadlifts, squats, shoulder press and bench. I’ll focus on hitting each muscle twice a weeks, and in some cases 3x with the volume per muscle being adjusted to 22 sets max a week. Moreover, I’ll probably do the big lifts twice a week, once 5x5 and the other day less sets and higher rep range, from 7-12 reps. I usually rest 2.5 to 3m in big lifts and 1 minute half in general
Example of training session (yesterday):
Shoulder press:
Machine lateral raise:
Drop set 50x8
Cable bicep curl:
Drop set 33x7, 28x7
Regarding the photos and diet, cycle… I’ll only decide about diet and cycle after feedback from you guys. I had the idea after some comments here to try to do a lean bulk of even recomp (harder). I started last week 350mg test and decided to see how I react and only after I’ll add anything else, also after your opinions. In the photos updated I’ll put it here now, I think I am around 15% body fat. In the last time, recently in my gym I did the body fat measurement, where I can also see the distribution muscle mass and fat mass per muscle group, I was around 14.5. I think I should focus a lot on my weak points, arms and shoulders. However, I lose around 3lbs in my legs due to two main reasons. 1) less leg training in general; 2) I stopped playing tennis as regularly and a lot my muscle came from there in my legs. However, my definition in quads, glutes is insanely good (weird compared with rest body).