i have been posting form checks but i was requested by a couple of mods that i should post a training log instead.
i was asked to provide the following information:
215 lbs
5' 9"
34 years
training since dec 31, 2024; prior weight training around 2015 or so, 16 months
never used exogenous testosterone but interested
diet is probably poor-middling. i eat animal protein but from "junk" sources like fast food fried chicken. i also drink a lot of alcohol, more than most medicinal sources would say is extreme
i intend to cut soon with keto diet. i have had major success with it twice before.
i take creatine and whey, no other fitness products.
i sleep 8.5 hours per night
latest form check:
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215 lbs
110 min
RDLs feel like im not hitting anything important. not tired. grip failing. would prefer to do regular deadlifts cuz i know how to do those.
need to add weight to pushups or sub out for something harder.
face pulls feel a little easy, bumped the weight up twice and wondering if im incorporating my core in a way i shouldnt.
A: Squat, Row, Press, Fly, Lat Raise
**B:** RDL, Pushup, R Lunge, Kickback, Face Pull
C: i Press, S Squat, Tri Ext, B Press, Front Raise
everything dumbbell, 10 reps, 3-4 sets.