I cut cardio to 10 mins today but I forgot to cut my overall volume significantly. I did reduce some exercises to 3 sets. So still less volume than normal.
10 mins treadmill 3.6 speed
Bb squats 185lbs up 10lbs 4x8
Hack squat 120lbs up 10lbs 3x10
Seated isolation calve presses 115lbs up 5lbs 3x12
RDLs 145lbs up 10lbs 3x8
Seated isolation leg extensions 15lbs 3x12
Laying hamstring curls 45lbs 4x12
Hip thrusts 110lbs up 10lbs 3x8
Smith machine calve raises 60lbs up 10lbs 4x15
Considering I lost 1lb from being sick I’m still pleased with my results. One month left on bulk.
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