I always had a hard time trainging tris on a seperate day due to difficulty warming up my tris.... but seeing all the people here who do it the other way and the results they have gotten, I think I will switch soon.....
Does anyone have any thoughts as to not working them together in a non-BB workout? (such as WS style-I know most of the people who have commented are more BB style)
I train chest and tris separate as well. In fact, triceps get a day all to themselves For my next training cycle, I'll be doing benching/chest on Wednesday and doing board presses/triceps on Saturday. Once I gave tris a day of their own, my strength increased greatly, and I gained size in them.
bigguns15- alright then, I will be changing immediately, seems I have been an idiot my whole life... though my pecs seem to be developed equal to the strength, my tris development has always lagged (strong but small)... so many years wasted!
bigguns15- alright then, I will be changing immediately, seems I have been an idiot my whole life... though my pecs seem to be developed equal to the strength, my tris development has always lagged (strong but small)... so many years wasted!
Hey, we're all learning here. I spent years training that way. In fact, when I first began I was on a University powerlifting team. We really didn't do any accessory work at all. So, I probably went 2 years without working my triceps at all except for bench pressing. Try not to think about anything as being wasted. Let us know how changing your routine works out for you
I think making slow additions of varying set/rep schemes and new exercises is best. Keep things gradual, and be patient. Keep your body guessing and never allow it to plateau.
What builds mass? Big compound movements. How does devoting an entire day to a tiny muscle group like arms help to achieve the overall goal of bigger mass?
I've heard people say "Concentrate on gaining mass, arm size will follow." Yet then they go around and recommend that arms get their own day. Doesn't that seem a little silly?