IF combined with one major re-feed day (typically the 24hrs after doing a super-heavy lift workout, like squat day) has produced the best results for me... Better than any other routine of eating or lifting. In the last 3 months alone I've dropped close to 5% BF and only lost about 5lbs on the scale, which means I've put on a bit of lean tissue as well. Considering I was stuck in the rut of "bulk and cut" cycling where I MIGHT have traded 3-4% bf for muscle in a 6 month period of excellent diet and commitment... Well, frankly, IF changed both my outlook on training and my body type completely - it was the best decision I've made in terms of achieving the physique I've been aiming for.
Indeed. I usually have my leg day as refeed day (as opposed to 24 hours later). You carb cycling as well?