I disagree, saturated fats are good for improving your hormonal balance (not your health- although MCTs are the exception) - note MCTs are superb for cutting.
The main things you want to avoid is eating carbs and fat at night time or when inactive (as they will store as body fat)
Eat your carbs at breakfast and after training. Fats should be consumed at this time and during the day. - MCTs (having a shorter carboon length are more easily broken down into energy and are easily utilzed) - on top of lowering the glycemic index - the former function provides the user with energy when carbs are depleted, and means that the MCTs will be less likely to be stored as fat (coconut oil is a bettersource as it contains vits and minerals)- MCTS also have 8.3kcal/g as opposed to 9kcals/g in normal fats.
They also have a thermogenic effect on the body (akin to that of protein)
Stay away from high glycemic foods - its surprising what you can and can't eat
e.g Pineapple - hi GI, apple - low GI
Wholewheat bread hi GI, chocolate sponge cake/ice cream low GI
Anything that contains dairy products or high protein is generally low GI - this is why chocolate is low GI.
There are many exhaustive GI lists on the net, designed to assist diabetics.
Many people advise about staying off dairy products- however a recent study showed that a reduced fat casein group held on to more muscle than the whey group (milk and casein are anti-catabolic - forming a bolus in the stomach that releases amino acids slowly) - for this reason whey protein is not particualrly good on a diet (unless taken after training)
Oatmeal and skimmed milk is an excellent way to strt the day - high fibre fills you up, relatively low cals, low glycemic steady source of energy that doesn't spike insulin.
If hunger is a prob - stay away from low fibre foods aka atkins diet. - although you can supplement with fibre (psyllium husks are amongst the best sources - avena sativa- green oats might be even better, as it is linked with increases in testosterone.
The only fats you want to avoid are hydrogenated - man made fats that are harder to breakdown (additional Hydrogens added to the carbon chain), and hence more easily store as body fat