I think this is my best bet I am going to start tommorow so I need to do any last second tweeks now. All supplements and food is purchased.
I have used the past few days to measure my tolerance for Scorch, Vaporize, Dicana and so far so good so now it?s time to pump it into hellfire.
I will work off of a 6 day rotation with one day as a total off day which will likely be Fridays. For the next 8 weeks I will follow this regimen. And hopefully it can get me under 15% at least.
I have progress pics on my bodyspace. I will start updating weekly on Saturdays.
To become leaner and faster
To be 10-13%bf
To be able to run 2 miles in under 14mins
to be able to do 100 pushups in 2 minuts
to be able to do 100 situps in 2 minutes
M-F (630-800) I have no choice in these matters or exercises unless I'm in charge of the PT for that day.
M-Morning Run 2.0miles-3.5miles
T- Circuit Training(Pushups, Flutter Kicks, Squats, Situps, Suicides, Overhead Press, Body weight exercises like that.
W-Morning run-Usually fartlek style 2-3 miles
T-Circuit training again
F- Long run-4.5-6miles
Work Out Lunch:
M-Treadmill-30-45min interval 5.5jog 9.0run,(After cardio weighted crunches and weighted vertical puchups,Calves)
T-Elliptical-45-60min Crosstrainer (40+min above 165hr)
W-Treadmill-30-45min Interval 5.5jog 9.0run,(After cardio hanging leg lifts, sungods, weighted crunches, obliqes,Calves)
T-Elliptical-45-60min Crosstrainer (30+min above 165hr)
F- Nothing
Work Out After Work:
Flat, Dcline, Incline 3x10,8,6
Barbell curl-3x14,10,12
Hammer curl-3x12,10,8
Resistant curl-3-14,10,8
Good Mornings-4x12,10,10,8
Dumbell row-4x12,10,10,8
Low Row-4X12,10,10,10
Lat Pull-4X12,10,10,8
Hyperextensions-2x15 2x15 with weight
Seated cav raise-6x15
Th-(Shoulders, Triceps)
Military Press-4x10,10,8,8
Standing Press-4x10,10,8,8
side lat flys-4x10,10,10,8
Skull crusher-4x10
reverse grip bench-4x10
Workout Weekends:
Sat-(Legs,Cavs, Stairmaster 25mins)
Leg Press-5x18,16,14,12,10
Leg Curl-4x15
hamstring curl-4x12
Seated cav raise-5x20
standing cav raise-5x20
Sun-(Endurance,Circuit training Cycling class or something like that)
I'm going to see if there are any spin classes, taebo, or any of those things on Sunday. If not it will be some stuff that I'll have to research but I need for it to be cardio, toning, strengting, and tiring. Also I am going to make this the HITT day. I will go outside and do sprints until I puke.
I only get one day off from cardio and that's friday even though I have an endurance run that morning. The rest of the day is a rest day.
I only lift on Monday, Wed, Thurs, Saturday. So that should be ample time for my muscles to recover from lifting. The thing I'm mainly concerned about is am I doing to much or over extending. I will also listen to my body if my body says take a day off from lifting I will just go do cardio if it wants a day off from cardio I will just lift.
What have I cut out:
Things that I have cut out. I have cut out the 3rd cardio period. I realize having one in the morning in a fasted state is kosher.And the one at lunch is icing on the cake. Plus it allows me to concentrate on reps while lifting in the afternoons. I realized this because with 2 cardio sessions that should allow me to burn calories all day. 3 would turn me highly catabolic.
What have I added:
Things That I have added. I have added the 60?0 for natural testerone. Even though I am on a cut I need to have my test increase so that I can keep what little muscle I have.
Nutrition:The main ingredient
Diet No more then 2000 cals 232 protein 107carbs 64fat
Meats:Steak,tuna,chicken breast, turkey
carbsranges,apples(Green and red),grapefruits,Bananas
Sweet Potatos, oats, whole wheat bread, Mixed Veggies
Fats:Fish oil, Pecans
Meal plan for the next 2 weeks:
I am not eating 6 full meals a day but 3 meals
0530:Banana 1 scoop protein
0800:Breakfast:1 of (Chicken Breast,Turkey, Steak,Tuna) and Oats
1000:Snack:1/4 Cup of Pecans and 1/2 grapefruit
1245:Lunch:2 slices whole wheat with one of(Chicken Breast, Steak, Tuna, Turkey) withh Sweet Pot
1500:1/2 grape fruit (Chicken Breast or Turkey piece)
1830-1 Scoops protein
1930:1 of (Steak,Chicken, Tuna, Turkey) and mixed veggies,
2200:1 scoop protein 1/4cup pecan
Water intake 1gallon a day.
I will have the occasional glass of koolaid probally every few days Im addicted.
This is going to be the diet intake for the whole week I will likely have one cheat meal on either Friday or Saturday and that will be because I?m leaving the club and hit dennys or IHOP but I won?t pick anything really horrible. Also I have a one drink minimum of Long Island ICE TEA.
What Supplements will I use:
Man Scorch-3 before morning cardio and 3 before lunch cardio
Dicana-1 before each main meal
Vaporize-1 with each main meal
Animal Pump-before afterwork lifting
Animal Pak-After breakfast
60X0-Before bed
Zero Carb Whey-Before morning cardio, post afterwork out, before bed.2 scoops is 210cals and 50gr protein 0 carbs. I will only take one scoop at a time because I think 20-40 is about as much as my body can make use of as far as protein synthesis right now.
315cals 75gr protein from shakes.
I have used the past few days to measure my tolerance for Scorch, Vaporize, Dicana and so far so good so now it?s time to pump it into hellfire.
I will work off of a 6 day rotation with one day as a total off day which will likely be Fridays. For the next 8 weeks I will follow this regimen. And hopefully it can get me under 15% at least.
I have progress pics on my bodyspace. I will start updating weekly on Saturdays.
To become leaner and faster
To be 10-13%bf
To be able to run 2 miles in under 14mins
to be able to do 100 pushups in 2 minuts
to be able to do 100 situps in 2 minutes
M-F (630-800) I have no choice in these matters or exercises unless I'm in charge of the PT for that day.
M-Morning Run 2.0miles-3.5miles
T- Circuit Training(Pushups, Flutter Kicks, Squats, Situps, Suicides, Overhead Press, Body weight exercises like that.
W-Morning run-Usually fartlek style 2-3 miles
T-Circuit training again
F- Long run-4.5-6miles
Work Out Lunch:
M-Treadmill-30-45min interval 5.5jog 9.0run,(After cardio weighted crunches and weighted vertical puchups,Calves)
T-Elliptical-45-60min Crosstrainer (40+min above 165hr)
W-Treadmill-30-45min Interval 5.5jog 9.0run,(After cardio hanging leg lifts, sungods, weighted crunches, obliqes,Calves)
T-Elliptical-45-60min Crosstrainer (30+min above 165hr)
F- Nothing
Work Out After Work:
Flat, Dcline, Incline 3x10,8,6
Barbell curl-3x14,10,12
Hammer curl-3x12,10,8
Resistant curl-3-14,10,8
Good Mornings-4x12,10,10,8
Dumbell row-4x12,10,10,8
Low Row-4X12,10,10,10
Lat Pull-4X12,10,10,8
Hyperextensions-2x15 2x15 with weight
Seated cav raise-6x15
Th-(Shoulders, Triceps)
Military Press-4x10,10,8,8
Standing Press-4x10,10,8,8
side lat flys-4x10,10,10,8
Skull crusher-4x10
reverse grip bench-4x10
Workout Weekends:
Sat-(Legs,Cavs, Stairmaster 25mins)
Leg Press-5x18,16,14,12,10
Leg Curl-4x15
hamstring curl-4x12
Seated cav raise-5x20
standing cav raise-5x20
Sun-(Endurance,Circuit training Cycling class or something like that)
I'm going to see if there are any spin classes, taebo, or any of those things on Sunday. If not it will be some stuff that I'll have to research but I need for it to be cardio, toning, strengting, and tiring. Also I am going to make this the HITT day. I will go outside and do sprints until I puke.
I only get one day off from cardio and that's friday even though I have an endurance run that morning. The rest of the day is a rest day.
I only lift on Monday, Wed, Thurs, Saturday. So that should be ample time for my muscles to recover from lifting. The thing I'm mainly concerned about is am I doing to much or over extending. I will also listen to my body if my body says take a day off from lifting I will just go do cardio if it wants a day off from cardio I will just lift.
What have I cut out:
Things that I have cut out. I have cut out the 3rd cardio period. I realize having one in the morning in a fasted state is kosher.And the one at lunch is icing on the cake. Plus it allows me to concentrate on reps while lifting in the afternoons. I realized this because with 2 cardio sessions that should allow me to burn calories all day. 3 would turn me highly catabolic.
What have I added:
Things That I have added. I have added the 60?0 for natural testerone. Even though I am on a cut I need to have my test increase so that I can keep what little muscle I have.
Nutrition:The main ingredient
Diet No more then 2000 cals 232 protein 107carbs 64fat
Meats:Steak,tuna,chicken breast, turkey
carbsranges,apples(Green and red),grapefruits,Bananas
Sweet Potatos, oats, whole wheat bread, Mixed Veggies
Fats:Fish oil, Pecans
Meal plan for the next 2 weeks:
I am not eating 6 full meals a day but 3 meals
0530:Banana 1 scoop protein
0800:Breakfast:1 of (Chicken Breast,Turkey, Steak,Tuna) and Oats
1000:Snack:1/4 Cup of Pecans and 1/2 grapefruit
1245:Lunch:2 slices whole wheat with one of(Chicken Breast, Steak, Tuna, Turkey) withh Sweet Pot
1500:1/2 grape fruit (Chicken Breast or Turkey piece)
1830-1 Scoops protein
1930:1 of (Steak,Chicken, Tuna, Turkey) and mixed veggies,
2200:1 scoop protein 1/4cup pecan
Water intake 1gallon a day.
I will have the occasional glass of koolaid probally every few days Im addicted.
This is going to be the diet intake for the whole week I will likely have one cheat meal on either Friday or Saturday and that will be because I?m leaving the club and hit dennys or IHOP but I won?t pick anything really horrible. Also I have a one drink minimum of Long Island ICE TEA.
What Supplements will I use:
Man Scorch-3 before morning cardio and 3 before lunch cardio
Dicana-1 before each main meal
Vaporize-1 with each main meal
Animal Pump-before afterwork lifting
Animal Pak-After breakfast
60X0-Before bed
Zero Carb Whey-Before morning cardio, post afterwork out, before bed.2 scoops is 210cals and 50gr protein 0 carbs. I will only take one scoop at a time because I think 20-40 is about as much as my body can make use of as far as protein synthesis right now.
315cals 75gr protein from shakes.
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