Ok, sorry for the delay. I've been out of town for a couple of days. The fat was not intentinal. I think for most men 30% if probably ideal. One could reduce the olive oil intake, go with leaner cuts of steak on sale (chuch is a very fatty cut) which would have more protien and less fat. WHich would lower the fat and raise the protien. Personally I don't spend a great deal of time working on exact micronutrient ratios. There is an advantage to the higher fat intake though. Increasing fat intake has been shown to eleveate testosterone production as the intake got higher, up to 40-45%. You mentioned natural individuals. This is of great beenfit to them. Also, by increasing fat intake, one adds additional calories that have no glycemic index, thus not insulin response, and the more fat added to a meal the lower the glycemic index of the carbs in said meal. These two factors will make the diet less fattening to individuals attempting to eat a large amount of calories, yet limit gains in body fat.
I hope I made sense, I was talking to a girl until 2:30 am on the phone, then dozed off, got up and checked my EF messages (its 6 am here). If not, let me know and I'll address this again when I'm fully awake.