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Approved Log RoidRage69 Spring Bulk Testosterone Masteron NPP HGH IGF-1 LR3 Sponsored By PuritySourceLabs Euro Pharmacies Log


Chairman of Board
Chairman Member
EF Logger
Age: 54
Weight: 247 lbs
Height 5'9"

Well here it goes. First of all I would like to give a big thank you to Gearhead, PSL, and ~Vision~ for making this all possible. I won't let you guys down. It will be my honor to show you what is possible when you put your time, energy, mind, and life to it. Time to put back on all the muscle I lost during the last few months of cutting and then some. I am hoping to gain 15-20 lbs during the next 3 months. I will be updating the log after every training session including cardio only days. I lift 3-4 days per week intense Dorian Yates style training on most days. I am also re-introducing deadlifts and squats back into the routine. As long as the shoulder stays healthy I hope to be shooting for a world record in the deadlift for my age and weight class in the next 24 months. 730lbs is the goal on a stiff bar. I am also interested in possibly getting on stage in bodybuilding at some point as long as I feel I have the amount of muscle mass to destroy the comp. This is going to be my first cycle in a calorie surplus in over 25 years. Will be interesting to see how my body responds to not being in a 1500 cal deficit like it has been for the last 6 months. Muscle Memory will play a significant role in this cycle. This current 12 months stint in the gym is the longest Ive ever gone without having to stop for months on end. I feel I have 50lbs of muscle left to fill out on my frame for my genetic limits. Will be a long 24-36 month process of backing and filling. This is the current cycle for the next 12 weeks:

300 Test Enanthate/week
300 Masteron Enanthate/week
300 NPP/week
3IU HGH/day
40-50mcg IGF-1 LR3 after lifting workouts only 4 weeks on 2 weeks off
50mg Proviron/day
10mg Cialis before lifting workouts only

As you can see I believe in low dosage cycles. I feel its the best way to build long term muscle without losing any gains when going off cycle. I also dont use an AI as I feel it hinders gains. Using Masteron and Proviron as my "AI". Will only use aromasin if its absolutely needed. I feel this cycle will be a nice dry bulk with no water retention. Ive been on HGH at 3IU for over 3 months now. I feel it gives me an extra couple days of recovery per week.

All products are from PSL and are EuroPharmacies except for the IGF-1 LR3. I have used PSL/Europharmacies for all my gear and its all top notch Extremely potent gear. I would vouch for them any time.

Calories will be between 2000-3000 per day. Will be carb cycling on lifting days. Cardio only days will be maintenance or slight deficit with low carbs. Protein will be around 300 grams per day. This will be a lean bulk. Not looking to gain any fat. Most protein will come from Steak, Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, Protein Shakes, Catalina Crunch, Fairlife Protien Drink, as well as homemade Protein Ice Cream. Carbs will come mostly from rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, milk, pineapple, banana, and some type of bread for sandwiches. I also make sure and get around 50 grams fiber per day as well as pre and probiotics. Tons of liver support herbs and vitamins.

Current Training Split. 2 days on 2 days off. Sometimes we get an extra day so we only take 1 day off between some sessions instead of 2. Pretty much every 7-8 days per workout. All depends on the workweek. I also train with my lovely wife who is a top 5 national level powerlifter so it makes for a challenging workout when she forces reps on me. We try and outdo each other so its pretty competitive.

Anyway thats the gist of it all and here's to some amazing gains over the course of the next 12 weeks!!!


Weight 247.9


Cybex Squat Press Narrow Stance
Hack Squat Hoist
SLDL Hoist
Leg Ext
Seated Leg Curls
3 supersets
Standing Calf Raise

Today was an off day. Have been sick all last week and just went through the motions today. Nothing even close to failure. Lowered the weights on everything. Went slow and good contraction. Hoping after a full week of eating more calories will give me the energy I am lacking from being sick.

Weight 247.3


Hammer Strength Incline
Pec Fly Machine
DB Flat Bench
DB Incline Bench
Dip Machine
DD Tricep Pushdown
Ab Crunch Machine

Did a set of incline and flat bench db just to see what it would feel like. Shoulder felt good so might start doing heavy DB presses next week.
Age: 54
Weight: 247 lbs
Height 5'9"

Well here it goes. First of all I would like to give a big thank you to Gearhead, PSL, and ~Vision~ for making this all possible. I won't let you guys down. It will be my honor to show you what is possible when you put your time, energy, mind, and life to it. Time to put back on all the muscle I lost during the last few months of cutting and then some. I am hoping to gain 15-20 lbs during the next 3 months. I will be updating the log after every training session including cardio only days. I lift 3-4 days per week intense Dorian Yates style training on most days. I am also re-introducing deadlifts and squats back into the routine. As long as the shoulder stays healthy I hope to be shooting for a world record in the deadlift for my age and weight class in the next 24 months. 730lbs is the goal on a stiff bar. I am also interested in possibly getting on stage in bodybuilding at some point as long as I feel I have the amount of muscle mass to destroy the comp. This is going to be my first cycle in a calorie surplus in over 25 years. Will be interesting to see how my body responds to not being in a 1500 cal deficit like it has been for the last 6 months. Muscle Memory will play a significant role in this cycle. This current 12 months stint in the gym is the longest Ive ever gone without having to stop for months on end. I feel I have 50lbs of muscle left to fill out on my frame for my genetic limits. Will be a long 24-36 month process of backing and filling. This is the current cycle for the next 12 weeks:

300 Test Enanthate/week
300 Masteron Enanthate/week
300 NPP/week
3IU HGH/day
40-50mcg IGF-1 LR3 after lifting workouts only 4 weeks on 2 weeks off
50mg Proviron/day
10mg Cialis before lifting workouts only

As you can see I believe in low dosage cycles. I feel its the best way to build long term muscle without losing any gains when going off cycle. I also dont use an AI as I feel it hinders gains. Using Masteron and Proviron as my "AI". Will only use aromasin if its absolutely needed. I feel this cycle will be a nice dry bulk with no water retention. Ive been on HGH at 3IU for over 3 months now. I feel it gives me an extra couple days of recovery per week.

All products are from PSL and are EuroPharmacies except for the IGF-1 LR3. I have used PSL/Europharmacies for all my gear and its all top notch Extremely potent gear. I would vouch for them any time.

Calories will be between 2000-3000 per day. Will be carb cycling on lifting days. Cardio only days will be maintenance or slight deficit with low carbs. Protein will be around 300 grams per day. This will be a lean bulk. Not looking to gain any fat. Most protein will come from Steak, Chicken, Tuna, Salmon, Protein Shakes, Catalina Crunch, Fairlife Protien Drink, as well as homemade Protein Ice Cream. Carbs will come mostly from rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, milk, pineapple, banana, and some type of bread for sandwiches. I also make sure and get around 50 grams fiber per day as well as pre and probiotics. Tons of liver support herbs and vitamins.

Current Training Split. 2 days on 2 days off. Sometimes we get an extra day so we only take 1 day off between some sessions instead of 2. Pretty much every 7-8 days per workout. All depends on the workweek. I also train with my lovely wife who is a top 5 national level powerlifter so it makes for a challenging workout when she forces reps on me. We try and outdo each other so its pretty competitive.

Anyway thats the gist of it all and here's to some amazing gains over the course of the next 12 weeks!!!


Weight 251.8


Conventional Deadlift
BB Rows
Lat Pulldowns
HS Pulldown 1-Arm
Straight Arm Pulldowns
Face Pulls
HS Shrugs
Rear Delt Machine
@RoidRage69 I follow your other log and subbed to this, I want to see a nice clean bulk from you but promise you wont go low

Weight 253.0


HS Shoulder Press
Upright Rows
Lateral Raise Machine
LF Seated Tricep Ext
Tricep Pushdowns Rope
60x8 Dropset 40x6 30x6
Bicep Cable Curls
FM Bicep Hammer Grip Curls
Reverse Grip Preacher Curls
Treadmill 20min

Did 30lbs more on Shoulder press this week than last week with the same amount of reps. Thats insane!!!
those of you who don't know Roid Rage he has a good log going over on Evo
his wife does too
nice stash as I said before
very jealous of your stash I want some
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