Kidneys a bit of a filtering issues @Noah WixxSaturday February 1st 2025
I come bringing gifts, i had my bloodwork done February 28th at 2pm all bloods done in a fasted state. I feel it is a waste since i had to stop the cycle for a while, i will explain down below why i did.
I apologize for going ghost on everyone these last 3 weeks or so. I unfortunately started to feel off and it progressed into Influenza A. This was a nasty flu, i just now have fully recovered, this one took alot out of me and set me back by alot for 2025.
I dropped all gear besides a trt dose of 150mg a week and 20mg of proviron a day, wanted to play it safe, so i only took what i needed, let my immune system recoup and recover as best it could, been doing 500mcg of bpc157 daily as well to boost immune system as well.
I have not worked out for 3 weeks time, this upcoming monday i will be training for the first time, i will be backing off alot this first few weeks, so i dont push into an injury. Goal is make it through the first week or 2 and restart my cycle.
I will admit alot is going on in my head right now thoughts wise, i feel my endeavors of becoming lean and shredded again will never happen, ive been doubting myself alot recently, it just feels like i will never recapture the magic i once had and reach the places i want to get into again, i need to shake it off and refocus myself.
Lately i look in the mirror and just dont like what i see, and its messing with me more than i should let it, i know this is a long process and i need to trust in that process, but damn do i feel not good enough right now, nonetheless i push on and get back to work.
high bp here? how much n2guard?
happy to see you sharing with EF fam come back to us