Most dietiticians don't know shit. They are still taught a traditional way of thinking in regards to food, and most of them forget to take into consideration the requirements for active, heavy lifting individuals.
Doctors are even worse to take food adivce from. I let almost everything doctors say abouit food and supplements go in one ear and out the other. Why? Because they have very little knowledge of either subject. Their training is not intensive in either nutrition or supplementation. If it were, there would be more doctors suggesting proper dietary changes and supplementation before prescribing meds in many cases. Of course, some doctors have knowledge in these areas, but most dont.
If you study the biochemistry behind cholesterol synthesis and the like, you'll find that dietary cholesterol is only a part of the equation. I disagree some with the other posts, and I do feel it can effect cholesterol levels, but this varies from person to person.
Like the others suggested, throw out a few yolks if you're concerned. Or, better yet, get some of the eggs high in omega-3 fatty acids and eat them. They are lower in cholesterol and saturated fat and have about 600mg of omega-3's per yolk. A little searching and you'll find plenty of studies showing how omega-3's can improve cholesterol profiles, as well as having a myriad of other benefits.