I was being facitious, but it is made from the bones and skins of cows...So I guess that would include noses and asses.
Subject: Re: Jello made from Cow bones?
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This is from a "fact sheet" from Kraft re: jello - It doesn't sound appetizing...
1. How is gelatin made?
"The production of the gelatin starts w/refinement of collagen-bearing
tissues of ANY ANIMAL that has raised and slaughtered for food purposes.
...These materials are carefully soaked in alkalies and/or acids and
washed in clean water to remove almost all non-collagen constituents,
including meat. During this soaking period the collagen is converted to
gelatin. The treated materials are then cooked gently in pure water to
extract the gelatin, which is further refined by filtration....(Contrary to
common belief, gelatin is not manufactured from horns or hooves or meat of
animals, for these do not contain the necessary collagen).
"It is interesting to note that during manufacture of gelatin, chemical
changes take place so that, in the final gelatin product, the composition
and identity of the original material is completely eliminated. Because of
this, gelatin is not considered a meat food product by the United States