Wednesday-Day 10
Today was strength but my hamstrings are sore as FUCK from power cleans yesterday so I changed today to core/conditioning. Tomorrow will probably still be conditioning but maybe something more like Tabata, boxing, high intensity etc. I also have been trying to include rehab exercises on MWF since they parallel strength and core stuff.
Warm up: 5 gymnastic ring pass throughs
Rehab exercises
1-arm 1-leg RDL(50# band): 3x10 (2 min rest)
Seated external rotation(50# band): 2x20 (2 min rest)
Flat back front lever(60 sec total): 45/15
Death by pullups, push ups: Do 1 pullup on the min, 2 pushups on the 2nd min, 3 pullups the third min etc. until failure. If round cannot be completed continue reps within a 20 minute time cap. I called it a day once I could not complete the pullups since form is everything on gymnastic rings.
Pullups: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15+13
Pushups: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16
I was extremely tired after this workout but I was happy with how far I got with my pullups. Pushups weren't a problem at all but I've been doing them on a much more regular basis. Time to go to bed!