this thread solidified what i believe. u dnt need alot of tren. ive only done tren a couple times and always lower dose..225-300/wk..either with ace or hex..and i was always scratching my head reading when anyone does over 400/wk. i have alot of cycles under my belt and have learned more always not better. i loved the tren i did,homebrew ace and BD hex. only sides i had were severe sweats,couldnt sleep good, and had a shorter temper. that was off low dose tren. always did with test..never more than 500/wk, usually prop. on 1st week of 20 weeker now. next week adding tren and win to the prop. not going over 300/wk of tren. test is needed IMO with tren. for the vast majority of us on here, more than 500/wk test, 300/wk tren is unnecessary. be smart..listen to ur body, eat RIGHT, not just ok, lift hard and b consistant and positive. dont rely all on the drugs like alot do.