June 4
Weight this morning was 207 @ 11.5% bf (our scale has proven to be extremely accurate on the bf %, when checked against other traditional tests). It cost a shit-ton so it better be accurate.
Energy was low-ish today, I almost fell asleep at work a couple times. I am HOT HOT HOT all day long. Today may have to be the last day of wearing jeans to work, because I just sweat like a mofo. My 'office' is a large enclosed room with about 50 computers in it, and it is by far the hottest area of the building. Throw in my general over-heating, and the fact that the AC in our office was out today while they were working on the HVAC, and it was probably close to 80 degrees in there. Yuck.
Workout was ok tonight - did legs, didn't kill myself.
Leg press - 4x15
Lying leg curls - 3x15
Extensions - 3x15
Walking lunges - 2 sets
Standing calf raises - 4x12/10/8/6
Seat calf raises - N/A
On the last set of standing calf raises I felt something really painful on the 3rd rep, and just called it a day after that. Now, 3 hours later, that area is super tight when I walk. Not sure what I did to it, but I hope it's just short-term.
In other news, I stubbed my toe hardcore on the bed first thing after waking up this morning, and ripped off a big chunk of my pinky toenail. That was bad enough, but then 30 minutes later I did the EXACT SAME FUCKING THING again. I almost called in sick, went back to bed, and gave up for the day...but for some stupid reason I pressed on.