Been 2 weeks since my last update. I've been super busy with work and working out, and honestly not much has changes here so I haven't felt compelled to write.
Injections have continued as scheduled without incident. I ran out of test-e last weekend, but conveniently I had FINALLY received the goods I ordered online just earlier that week, so I did Sunday's injection with 1cc of test-e and 1cc of the new test cyp. I also started HCG that same weekend, and I believe my nuts are already thanking me for that. I'm doing 250 iu twice a week.
Today marks the 14 week-out point for my show. After some debating over many things in my life, I've decided that come hell or high water, I am doing this fucking show. Additionally, I don't want to feel rushed as the show approaches, so I'm starting my pre-contest diet today. More realistically, it will be in the next couple days, as I sprung this on my trainer yesterday and don't yet have a solid meal plan established.
The current aas plan is to continue as is. In all honesty, though this is my first cycle, I plan on things getting a little more complicated as the show gets nearer. I plan on starting EQ as soon as I'm able to get my hands on some (this week hopefully), and I know my trainer typically recommends Winstrol for the final 4-5 weeks of prep. I'm not too concerned about loading up on too much gear, to be honest (though perhaps I should be, haha) - all sides to this point have been manageable. Acne was really bad at first, but has calmed down a bit as I've found ways to help manage it. Benzoyl Peroxide has worked well, but it makes me itch like a mofo, so I only use it on my shoulders every few days. Hitting the tanning bed regularly has made the biggest impact. My nipples are sufficiently irritated so I plan on starting letrozole this week.