Hello all!
Letsmake everyone vote on this.
Whats the best program for muscles mass?
1) HIT Mike Menzer
1-3 full body workouts a week with very little total sets. Each set to failure very few exercises per muscle group
2)Dorians HIT
HIT except a bit more volume
3) Low volume high frequncy.
Where you do 5-10 sets per bodypart non failure 2-3 times per week
4) High volume low frequncy
20+ sets per bodypart non failure. 1 muscle group gets hit 1x per week.
5) High volume high frequncy. Arnold training
6) Training doesnt matter. Just shove that food down your throat! Any system (that you can do) will work. FOOD is more important
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Letsmake everyone vote on this.
Whats the best program for muscles mass?
1) HIT Mike Menzer
1-3 full body workouts a week with very little total sets. Each set to failure very few exercises per muscle group
2)Dorians HIT
HIT except a bit more volume
3) Low volume high frequncy.
Where you do 5-10 sets per bodypart non failure 2-3 times per week
4) High volume low frequncy
20+ sets per bodypart non failure. 1 muscle group gets hit 1x per week.
5) High volume high frequncy. Arnold training
6) Training doesnt matter. Just shove that food down your throat! Any system (that you can do) will work. FOOD is more important
Reply please!
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