Today is an off day so will use the chance to update . I eat around 3800-4000 kcal and growing fast . I already put some size on chest , shoulders and arms even though this is only the beginning of the cycle. Probably irrelevant with anabolics , but i am growing really fast.The scale is moving up as well , unfortunately my waist size is also getting bigger.I guess you cannot have it all in life

I have doomed waist genetics about fat metabolism the slightest fat that my metabolism decides to store is going to the abdominal and waist area. I skipped lots of cardio this week so i need to get back on track with cardio. Still i go hard every training and if i do not feel like going hard , i take preworkout when neccessary to keep me going . At the end of the training energy must be drained and targeted muscles must be sore . This is how i know i got a good work out done .
Pull 1 All sets to failure
Lat Pulldown 3 sets 8-12 reps set 1 155 lbs 8 reps set 2 130 lbs 8 reps set 3 110 lbs 11 reps
One Arm Machine Row 4 sets 8-12 reps
Barbell Row 4 sets 10-15 reps bar weight included 110 lbs 10 reps 2nd set 110 lbs 8 reps 3rd set 110 lbs 8 reps This is one of the exercises that i should be lifting waaay heavier with perfect form if my back will grow . I have never been a naturally strong guy so i am working on it.
One Arm Lat Pulldown 3 sets 12-15 reps set 1 45 lbs 15 reps set 2 55 lbs 9 reps set 3 55 lbs 7 reps I could not manage to get to targeted 12-15 rep range , but since i hit the meaximum 15 reps with 45 lbs i had to increase the weight and will continue to do so .
Straight Arm Rope Pulldown 4 sets 12-15 reps set 1 65 lbs 11 reps set 2 65 lbs 8 reps set 3 65 lbs 8 reps set 4 65 lbs 8 reps . Same story with the former exercise. In general i am way weaker in pulling movements compared to push.
Face Pull 4 sets 12-15 reps set 1 145 lbs 8 reps set 2 110 lbs 12 reps set 3 110 lbs 10 reps set 4 110 lbs 10 reps
Shrugs 3 sets 8-12 reps All sets with 55 lbs dumbells at each hand , to failure in 8-12 rep range. Enough load is put on passively in many other exercises on traps , so this is like an extra optional exercise in my mind.
Biceps Curl Machine 4 sets 10-15 reps 55 lbs 8 reps 45 lbs 12 reps 35 lbs 10 reps 35 lbs 12 reps My weakest muscles strength wise are arms , but still i manage to put on size somehow . Not crazy size like 18-20 inch arms , but still ...
Hammer Curl 4 sets 8-12 reps all sets with 30 lbs dumbells and if i fail to reach 8-12 rep range i do drop set to get there .
Cable One Arm Hammer Curl 4 sets 10-15 reps 25 lbs set 1 10 reps set 2 10 reps set 3 9 reps set 4 10 reps
Leg 1 All sets to failure unless not written RIR I have good strength in legs , even though my legs are not that big .
Squat 2 sets 8-12 reps RIR 1 310 lbs 8 reps 265 lbs 12 reps
Leg Press 3 sets 8-12 reps RIR 1 500 lbs 10 reps set 2 440 lbs 12 reps set 3 485 lbs 10 reps
Romanian Deadlift 3 sets 10-15 reps 175 lbs 8 reps set 2 and 3 175 lbs 6 reps This is the exercise i need to master and definitely lift heavier .
Single Leg Extention 2 sets 12-15 reps 17 lbs 15 reps 30 lbs 8 reps
Hip Adduction 3 sets 12-15 reps 230 lbs 12 reps ( 230 lbs is the max weight in our gym for this machine ) 230 lbs 9 reps 230 lbs 7 reps
Leg Extention 3 sets 12-15 reps set 1 130 lbs 7 reps ( last week i hit 12 reps with 120 lbs so i had to increase the weight ) set 2 80 lbs 15 reps set 3 90 lbs 9 reps
Leg Curl Machine 3 sets 10-15 reps set 1 90 lbs 10 reps set 2 90 lbs 10 reps set 3 45 lbs 6 reps + some drop set to get to 15
Calf Machine 3 sets 10-12 reps 155 lbs 6 reps 135 lbs 11 reps 145 lbs 9 reps
Hyperextention 3 sets 10-15 reps holding 45 lbs all sets to failure bet ween 10-15 rep range
I pinned and injection of the week today . I also substituted chicken with fish yesterday and today some fat free red meat with chicken for the last meal . I increased my protein intake .
Meal 1
8 egg whites + 2 full eggs
Oatmeal 100 grams mixed with 1 scoop of whey protein isolate and 500 ml almond milk
Peanut Butter 15 grams
Meal 2
Chicken Breast 150 grams
Basmati Rice 50 grams
Almonds 15 grams
Meal 3
Chicken Breast 150 grams
Basmati Rice 50 grams
Meal 4 ( preworkout meal )
Chicken Breast 150 grams
Basmati Rice 35-40 grams
1 medium sized banana
Intra workout
1 scoop maltodextrin + eaa + bcaa + 6 grams citruline malate + 1 gram salt + 5 grams creatine
Meal 5 ( post workout )
Rice Flour 70 grams mixed with 2 scoops of Isolate Whey + 15 grams Honey + 25 grams Peanut Butter + 1 medium sized banana + 50 grams oatmeal
Meal 6
Boiled Potatoes 350 grams
Chicken Breast or red meat 150-200 grams I will go with red meat 90 % of time . 1 or 2 days a week i substitute fish with chicken. Chicken gets to my nerves if i eat nothing else for long period.
Pls. let me know what you are thinking .