For the past month I have been mainly concentrating on my protein intake, getting between 500 and 600 grams per day...That is at a lean 225 pounds... My reason for this is that since I started training WSB a couple months ago I have felt like I was having a hard time recovering from my workouts.. So I just cut back on the fat and carbs and jumped my protein... And it worked like a charm... And Put on a quick lean 15 pounds in the past month also..Its really not that hard to do once you get in the habit of constantly consuming food or shakes every couple hours.... In the past I have gone up to 700 grams when bulking....I haven't been keeping up with my calories or anything though, but the reason I cut the fat and carbs was that I am gonna start making some powerlifting meets starting in Sept or October and I want to stay in the 220's for now and work on taking some Alabama state records there...
If money is an issue then go to can buy cases of tuna and huge bags of Chicken breast for like half of the normal cost...Not to mention Rice, Mac-N-Cheese, Pasta and all kinds of bulkin up goodies..And for Protein supplements go with 's weight gainer formula... With carbs and fat it is like $3.50/pound and I think about $4.55 for the protein only...Thats alot cheaper than anwhere else you'll find it....