hey guys..here is my diet, i edited it a little from last time and i need some more carbs and maybe a little more protein during the day time during school but icant eat in anymore classes so i need something to pick on in the halls that is easy and healthy and has a lot of calories becuase im bulking, tell me what you think:
Food Calories Protein
Before School: (6:30) - -
Protein Shake w/ 1.5 scoops 200 30
½ bagel 100 4
2 cups Orange Juice 220 4
3rd Period (9:30)
Fruit or any other snack 100 -
Half Turkey Hero 100 7.5
7th Period (12:30)
Half Turkey Hero 100 7.5
Yogurt 60 5
After Gym: (about 2:15)
Protein Shake w/ 2.5 scoops 350 50
1 cup grape juice 150 -
Whole Wheat w/ Cottage Cheese 225 10
½ can of tuna 200 17.5
Dinner: (about 6:30)
Anything (chicken, steak) w/ at least 500 40
Before Bed: (9:45)
Protein Shake w/ 2 scoops 300 40
½ can of tuna 200 17.5
Total 2805 233
Food Calories Protein
Before School: (6:30) - -
Protein Shake w/ 1.5 scoops 200 30
½ bagel 100 4
2 cups Orange Juice 220 4
3rd Period (9:30)
Fruit or any other snack 100 -
Half Turkey Hero 100 7.5
7th Period (12:30)
Half Turkey Hero 100 7.5
Yogurt 60 5
After Gym: (about 2:15)
Protein Shake w/ 2.5 scoops 350 50
1 cup grape juice 150 -
Whole Wheat w/ Cottage Cheese 225 10
½ can of tuna 200 17.5
Dinner: (about 6:30)
Anything (chicken, steak) w/ at least 500 40
Before Bed: (9:45)
Protein Shake w/ 2 scoops 300 40
½ can of tuna 200 17.5
Total 2805 233