Monday-Day 42
Today was strength. Still a little sore from tweaking my back on Friday so I just got in some squat cleans and handstand pushups since I won't be able to lift heavy the next few days(getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow). I hope I recover quickly!
Warm up: 5 min invisible jump rope
HSPU from deficit(45 lb bumper plate+25 lb bumper plate): 3x5 (Rest 2 min)
Squat cleans: 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@90% 1RM (235)(Rest 2 min)
=3@165, 3@190, 3@210
PR: 3@210
Cooldown: 5 min boxing
I've never done 3 squat cleans at 210 so that' a little PR I was able to accomplish today. I don't know if it's because I'm starting to get my form down or if I've been deadlifting super heavy but once I got the bar to mid thigh I almost cracked myself in the chin ha. Time to rest I'm gonna be feeling not too good tomorrow around noon. Wish me luck!