no shit there was some momentum involved... maybe you need to watch my deadlift next to my row... i dont even setup close to the same... on the row i finish with my elbows all the way back and the bar in my belly...
i guess if i was a huge guy doing cheat curls that would be ok though me a favor, dont comment on my lifting until you have trained as a powerlifter, won numerous competitions (both weight class, and overall) and been invited to lift at the Olympia, twice... and been offered a trip to Miami for a photoshoot, which i declined because honestly, im not really into the whole bodybuilding modeling thing and i could care less about looking big if i cant use it functionally... im not a model, im a true athlete...
call it a cheat row for all i care... but if you think im not working my back... ANSWER THIS QUESTION... DO POWER CLEANS NOT WORK YOUR BACK???