I wasn't just talking about the bench form. Those "yates" rows look kind of pointless, unless maybe for a lower back workout lol cuz it is pretty much a deadlift and I remember seeing a deadlift a few months back that he did. It was like 500lbs or something which is pretty impressive, but the bent back hurt me just watching and it was sumo style which also makes it a lot easier. I am not trying to put anybody down. I just don't want to see Moya hurt himself. Going that heavy with poor form is really scary to me. Your numbers are pretty beast for your size and weight bro, definite props there, especially with your squats. I haven't seen any vids of that, but the weights that you do are a lot heavier than I go. I just think that maybe doing a littler lighter weight and keeping good form with a good contraction is more beneficial and safer. I am no expert in powerlifting, but I would assume that you have to keep good form in competitions and if you aren't getting a good contraction, then how can you get any stronger? Just my opinion. BTW, you are looking quite a bit bigger than last years competition. Good job bro, keep it up.