Right now my caloric intake is ~4000 with me doing my best to break it up into a 40 40 20 split. I don't want to cut big time. I would be happy if I can hit 10-12% and then recontinue bulking again.
I get about 2-3 minutes every half hour to scope the forums and I have to move quick too. The boss has very quiet feet. I'm going to set it up after I get off of work in about 30 minutes.
I have been extremely strict, with a cheat day/carb up about every 7-10 days. I haven't really lost any muscle and my strength is still there, but I've been losing about 1.5 lbs. per week (after the carb up, so it's not just water weight).
It's shitty at first, but I actually like the foods I'm eating now. The olive oil is the trickiest part, but I either mix that in my rice or in a nice green leafy salad.
I just made this diet up and I'm not really a nutritionist or anything, but it seems to work quite well for me. Obviously you would want to adjust the calories to your currently bodyweight though. I used 12 x BW for the calories, but I was already relatively lean, so you might want to use a lower factor.
Just thought I'd mention that in general I would probably cut some of the carbs. The problem is that I need some carbs because I'm training for the upcoming sports season, so I need some energy when I'm running balls out for 3+ miles.