If you just want to change things around you could try this: do it in circuits
With dumbells, THE HEAVY ONES!
do a hang clean, and from the hang clean at the top, take a breif pause then go into a push press.
lower the weights from the push press to your shoulders and do a front squat. Try like 3 sets of 10-12.
Pull ups. (Your tartet for pull ups is 80 reps however you get there) start out at around 30 and build.
Hack Squats with dumbells, 3 sets 10-12.
Dips 3 sets 10-12, weighted if your that advanced.
Increase your protien and fiber, add milk if you can tolerate it, 2x/day, maybe meal 2 and 4?
Eat nuts but not penuts and eat eggs.
You Will Grow!
And dring lots of water.