Well.... I dont have a problem being 12, 14, even 15%. The thing is the side pec stores really bother the FUCK out of me. I need to diet down enough that all that is gone. I guess thats the initial goal. If I got down to say, 8-9% and all the problem spots went away then I bulked back up (cleanly) to 14-15% then I wouldnt have all the fat stores in the bad areas as I do now that I got from a few years pre 2009 being a fat beer drinking, cake and ice cream eating fuck. Kinda like when a competitor gets shredded down to 4% then bulks back up to 10-12. They put on a good layer of BF but its spread out everywhere.
The goal in the end after this ^^^ ? I guess to start with I'll say If I can really maintain 9-10% then 225 ish. If I'm going towards a clean 15% then 265 ish. I was 270 in my avitar but 20%.