Also, I know the forged is still working, even thought I don't feel it so much my appetite is def not bad, meaning I don't crave or give in to treats and I like that
Woke up, took 1 adderlin, and 1 forged burner. I do this cause I found that 2 adderlin gave me a weird cloudy headache feeling so when i split like this it's good shit.
Did 30 mins on the bike at 6 intensity, burnt 400 cals (according to bike)
APril 10th, 2011
oke up today, took an adderlin and forged burner. Was just planning on relaxing today but ended up playing some road hockey, haha haven't played in years but it was fun and I played for about an hour and a half so I got a good cardio on today. Going to do some lifting tomorrow morning and probably some bike. 185.8 is my weight
cool i guess i will kep it up cause I have formastanzonol for my next cycle so i might as well use the formestane on top, been doing 3 pumps in chest/stomach, 1 pump each on sides(love handle areas) morning and pm.
April 11th, 2011
Woke up and took an adderlin and forged burner. had some scrambled eggs and spinach. Went to the gym for my workout. Took some n2kts before my workout, I find since taking the forged burner for so longi built a tolerance up, not saying it doesn't work I just don't get jittery which is great. Workout went well, didn't log numbers but doid Standing Overhead press, dips, chin ups, machine rows, deadlifts. felt good.
forgot to mention I took adose of SARMS S4, I have a little more the half a bottle I'm going to run until my trip. 50mg dose all at once.