Backwards walk on the treadmill then my typical warmup with dynamic stretching and movements
Continuous DB jump squat
5 x bw
5 x 15
Super with Supine wall flexion push
Super with Front plank
25 seconds
1/2 kneeling alternate KB press(both legs for one set)
4 x 25
4 x 35
Super with Goblet squat
8 x 50
8 x 60
Tall kneeling curl to press
12 x 20
8 x 20
Super Goblet alternate reverse lunge
8 x 35
8 x 35
Super Farmers walk
30 steps x 80(each hand)
30 x 80
8 reps of 20 second sprint, 10 second rest
My legs didn’t feel that bad today during my weight routine despite having a hard hockey game last night and coming to the gym fasted. Could feel it on the bike though

For all you Canadians Happy Thanksgiving!