I've only been doing this for about 3 years, but have learned alot. The guys & girls here will help. Read everything you can on BB and cardio, but don't believe the 12 week stories from 150# to Ronnie Coleman by eating sauerkraut and sausage.
Diet is huge! Weightlifting and cardio, as well. You'll probably find that, like another said, just moving your ass and eating correctly will help tremendously. AND, as others have said, no chocolate in the house = no eating of chocolate. It works wonders!
Remember to make better choices - if there's a box of Krispy Kremes at work and you get a hankering - go eat a protein bar. I keep protein bars in my desk drawer just for that purpose. Drinking meals can be easier than taking the time to eat. A protein shake mid-morning and mid-afternoon, with 3 good meals (clean food) will be a big help.
Your training sounds a bit intense for a beginner. You might want to back off a bit so you don't get burned out or overtrained.
Good luck!