Drinking carbs during your workout is not gonna hurt you, but its not really necessary. The body is not gonna shut down and start burning protein because you've been training for 45min and arent consuming any carbs. The body has enough glycogen to sustain itself for at least 1.5 hours before you will start to burn up protein. QUOTE]
Yeah, that's really the deal. It's not going to hurt, and isn't a dealkiller either way. Now, that being said, there have been some studies that shed a positive light on taking carbs in during workouts. But then again, some people just won't feel right when they take in carbs during a workout and the effects from doing so aren't so tremendous that it's worth any kind of stomach upset or blood sugar instability for those people. And, even for those who do it regularly without any problem there will be days that even sipping Gatorade causes them to lose focus.
The person I feel who will benefit from it the most is the person who goes a fairly long time without eating before a workout, trains in a hot environment and sweats a lot, and waits until the workout is well under way before beginning to take in carbs.
I forget just how many calories are stored as glycogen in the body, but it's quite a bit. Into the thousands. That being said, protein is in fact utilized from muscle tissue at times without fully depleting carbs. However, that's basically unavoidable. Muscle tissue actually serves as sort of a protein reserve for the body and protein is utilized and replaced constantly in very complex cycles. If the body didn't have that ability we really would die if we couldn't eat every three hours.