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MR. BMJ said:I think everybody is making this harder than it needs to be. Personally, I think consuming a regular whole meal with easily digesting proteins/low GI carbs/EFA's is the best way to go preworkout. I don't really see any problem with adding in a glucose drink during the workout. I mean, it definately will not impede any progress towards muscle gains. Post-workout I would concentrate mainly on quick digesting proteins like whey isolate. Then, an hour or so later, I would consume a regular meal.
I think total calories consumed during a whole day of dieting is more important than concentrating so much on pre/post-workout meals. I don't think anybody is gonna lose any gains if they don't have a drink during the workout. Man, i'll tell you what though, gatorade has really improved on their product's taste. I'm not a big fan of high glycemic and sugary meals anytime of the day, but others may not have a problem with it. I'm definately not a big fan of high glycemic sugars before working out. That's one meal i'd rather keep low-gi.
I'm not sure, but isn't Gatorade's carb profile mainly made up of Fructose??? A little fructose I feel will be fine, but i'd opt more for a dextrose drink. Fructose will be more beneficial for those running marathons where their livers will be depleted moreso than weight lifters.
Ummmmmm i agree. This thread is spinning in circles and heading for the nearest cliff. Dextrose post workout with whey protein, don't eat any earlier than an hour before lifting, end of story. This is not as complicated as "people" are making it.